Loop List

Loop List is very common in interview. This article we give a more strict short statement about its solving.

One method to check if there‘s a loop in a list is to use two speed pointers. But most of articles did not give a proof.

Assume we have a list:

ListNode* head;

Then, we set two pointers start from the head, and one pointer added by 1 step, the other added by 2 steps:

ListNode* p1 = head, *p2 = head;
p1 = (p1 -> next) -> next;
p2 = p2 -> next;

Now, we need to proof that, if there‘s a loop in the list, p1 will meet p2.

  1. p1 obviously will exceed p2.
  2. As p1 can only added two steps every time, there‘re only two relative positions between p1 and p2.
    • p1 just before p2. Then as p1 updates first, p2 updates second, they‘ll meet.
    • There‘s a node between p1 and p2. As p1 updates first, they‘ll meet.
时间: 2024-08-11 17:20:41

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王爽《汇编语言》第三版 第五章 [BX]和loop指令

5.1 [bx] mov ax,[bx]功能:bx 中存放的数据作为一个偏移地址EA ,段地址SA 默认在ds 中,将SA:EA处的数据送入ax中. 5.2 Loop指令 指令的格式是:loop 标号,CPU 执行loop指令的时候,要进行两步操作: 1.(cx)=(cx)-1: 2.判断cx中的值,不为零则转至标号处执行程序,如果为零则向下执行. 通常我们用loop指令来实现循环功能,cx 中存放循环次数. 5.3 在Debug中跟踪用loop指令实现的循环程序 5.4 Debug和汇编编译器

archlinux 加载loop模块,且设定loop设备个数

如果loop模块没有编译进内核就要先加载loop模块 modprobe loop 然后更改/etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf(有些文章写是在/etc/modprobe.conf,但是我试验是在此目录下) options loop max_loop=64 之后就可以重启系统,然后执行 modprobe loop 我们就可以看到loop设备增加为64个了.


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