POJ-1008 Maya Calendar






1. STL中map的用法:

map<string, int> HaabMonth;     // 定义
HaabMonth.insert( pair<string,int>("pop", 0) );
                                // 插入
HaabMonth[hmonth] = 100;        // 查找及修改
HaabMonth.erase("ok");          // 删除

// 另一种查找方式
HaabMonth::iterator iter = HaabMonth.find("ok");
if (iter == HaabMonth.end())
    ...        // 则没有找到

// 遍历方法
for (HaabMonth::iterator iter = HaabMonth.begin(); iter != HaabMonth.end(); ++iter)

2. string 与 char* 的转换:

string到char*,string.c_str();char*到string,直接赋值string = char*;

另外:string转数字,用string.c_str() + atoi, atof…;

数字转string,用sprintf(char[], “%d”, int); 再将char*赋值给string;


* POJ-1008 Maya Calendar
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

void BuildCalendarMonth(map<string,int> &hm)
    hm.insert( pair<string,int>("pop", 0) );
    hm.insert( pair<string,int>("no", 20) );
    hm.insert( pair<string,int>("zip", 40) );
    hm.insert( pair<string,int>("zotz", 60) );
    hm.insert( pair<string,int>("tzec", 80) );
    hm.insert( pair<string,int>("xul", 100) );
    hm.insert( pair<string,int>("yoxkin", 120) );
    hm.insert( pair<string,int>("mol", 140) );
    hm.insert( pair<string,int>("chen", 160) );
    hm.insert( pair<string,int>("yax", 180) );
    hm.insert( pair<string,int>("zac", 200) );
    hm.insert( pair<string,int>("ceh", 220) );
    hm.insert( pair<string,int>("mac", 240) );
    hm.insert( pair<string,int>("kankin", 260) );
    hm.insert( pair<string,int>("muan", 280) );
    hm.insert( pair<string,int>("pax", 300) );
    hm.insert( pair<string,int>("koyab", 320) );
    hm.insert( pair<string,int>("cumhu", 340) );
    hm.insert( pair<string,int>("uayet", 360) );

int main()
    map<string, int> HaabMonth;
    string TzolkinMonth[20] = {"imix", "ik", "akbal", "kan", "chicchan", "cimi", "manik",
        "lamat", "muluk", "ok", "chuen", "eb", "ben", "ix", "mem", "cib", "caban", "eznab", "canac", "ahau"};

    int n;

    for (int i(0); i < n; i++)
        int hday, hyear, hmonthdays;
        char temphmonth[10];
        string hmonth;
        scanf("%d. %s %d", &hday, temphmonth, &hyear);

        hmonth = temphmonth;
        hmonthdays = HaabMonth[hmonth];

        int totalDays = hyear * 365 + hmonthdays + hday;

        // 转化Tzolkin历法
        int tyear = totalDays / 260;
        int totalDaysInOneYear = totalDays % 260;
        int tmonthno = totalDaysInOneYear % 20;
        string tmonth = TzolkinMonth[tmonthno];
        int tday = totalDaysInOneYear % 13 + 1;

        cout<< tday <<" "<< tmonth <<" "<< tyear <<endl;

    return 0;
时间: 2024-08-13 04:21:23

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