acdream 1234 Two Cylinders

Two Cylinders

Special JudgeTime Limit: 10000/5000MS (Java/Others)Memory
Limit: 128000/64000KB (Java/Others)


Problem Description

In this problem your task is very simple.

Consider two infinite cylinders in three-dimensional space, of radii R1 and R2 respectively,
located in such a way that their axes intersect and are perpendicular.

Your task is to find the volume of their intersection.


Input file contains two real numbers R1 and R2 (1
<= R1,R2 <= 100).


Output the volume of the intersection of the cylinders. Your answer must be accurate up to 10-4.

Sample Input

1 1

Sample Output



Andrew Stankevich Contest 3






虽然这公式推出来了,但是积分很困难(没推出来= =!),下面的代码用的是辛普森积分法,学习了一下,挺简单的。



#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
const double eps=1e-7;

double R,r;

double f(double n)
    return 8*sqrt(R*R-n*n)*sqrt(r*r-n*n);

double simpson(double a,double b)
    return (b-a)/6.0*(f(a)+4*f((a+b)/2.0)+f(b));

double cal(double a,double b)
    double sum=simpson(a,b),mid=(a+b)/2.0;
    double t=simpson(a,mid)+simpson(mid,b);

    if(fabs(t-sum)<eps) return sum;
    return cal(a,mid)+cal(mid,b);
int main()
    if(R<r) swap(R,r);

    return 0;
时间: 2024-08-11 09:53:31

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