Linq中eft join之大坑

  1 using System;
  2 using System.Collections;
  3 using System.Collections.Generic;
  4 using System.Data;
  5 using System.IO;
  6 using System.Linq;
  7 using Newtonsoft.Json;
  9 namespace CLibrary.ConsoleApp
 10 {
 11     class Program
 12     {
 13         static void Main(string[] args)
 14         {
 15             var tableAAA = "[{\"companycode\":\"80463417\",\"securitycode\":\"603978\",\"securityshortname\":null,\"financecode\":null,\"purchasedate\":\"2017-07-26T00:00:00\",\"listingdate\":\"2017-08-07T00:00:00\",\"issueprice\":29.93}]";
 16             var tableBBB = "[{\"securityvarietycode\":\"1000576786\",\"companycode\":\"80463417\",\"securitycode\":\"603978\",\"shares\":1000}]";
 17             var tableTTT = "[{\"securityvarietycode\":\"1000576786\",\"srkpj\":35.92,\"srspj\":43.1,\"srzdf\":44.0027,\"srhsl\":0.06}]";
 18             var tableEEE = "[{\"secucode\":\"603978\",\"tdate\":\"2017-08-07T00:00:00\",\"high\":43.1},{\"secucode\":\"603978\",\"tdate\":\"2017-08-08T00:00:00\",\"high\":47.41}]";
 19             var tableMMM = "[]";
 20             var tableJJJ = "[{\"secucode\":\"603978\",\"tdate\":\"2017-08-07T00:00:00\",\"avgprice\":42.82},{\"secucode\":\"603978\",\"tdate\":\"2017-08-08T00:00:00\",\"avgprice\":47.41}]";
 21             var tableNNN = "[{\"secucode\":\"603978\",\"tdate\":\"2017-08-07T00:00:00\",\"high\":43.1},{\"secucode\":\"603978\",\"tdate\":\"2017-08-08T00:00:00\",\"high\":47.41}]";
 23             var tableA = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<TableA>>(tableAAA);
 24             var tableB = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<TableB>>(tableBBB);
 25             var tableT = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<TableT>>(tableTTT);
 26             var tableE = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<TableE>>(tableEEE);
 27             var tableM = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<TableM>>(tableMMM);
 28             var tableJ = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<TableJ>>(tableJJJ);
 29             var tableN = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<TableE>>(tableNNN);
 31             var query = from a in tableA
 32                         join b in tableB on a.companycode equals b.companycode into ab
 33                         from def_b in ab.DefaultIfEmpty(new TableB())
 34                         join t in tableT on def_b.securityvarietycode equals t.securityvarietycode into bt
 35                         join e in tableE on a.listingdate equals e.tdate into ae
 36                         join m in tableM on a.securitycode equals m.securitycode into am
 37                         from def_m in am.DefaultIfEmpty(new TableM())
 38                         join j in tableJ on def_m.tdatep equals j.tdate into mj
 39                         join n in tableN on def_m.tdatep equals n.tdate into mn
 40                         from def_t in bt.DefaultIfEmpty(new TableT())
 41                         from def_e in ae.DefaultIfEmpty(new TableE())
 42                         from def_j in mj.DefaultIfEmpty(new TableJ())
 43                         orderby def_m.tdatep
 44                         select new Result
 45                         {
 46                             listingopen = def_t.srkpj,
 47                             listingclose = def_t.srspj,
 48                             listingopenpremium = Math.Round((def_t.srkpj / a.issueprice - 1) * 100, 2),
 49                             listingchg = def_t.srzdf,
 50                             listingturnover = def_t.srhsl,
 51                             listinghighpchg = Math.Round((def_e.high / a.issueprice - 1) * 100, 2),
 52                             opendate = def_m.tdatep,
 53                             highpchg = 0d, //api层处理,
 54                             limitupdays = def_m.days,
 55                             listingavg = def_j.avgprice,
 56                             profit = (def_j.avgprice - a.issueprice) * def_b.shares,//api层处理,
 57                             issuePrice = a.issueprice,//用于api层处理
 58                             shares = def_b.shares,//用于api层处理
 59                         };
 61             var list = query.ToList();
 63             Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list));
 64             Console.ReadKey();
 65         }
 67         #region Class
 68         private class TableA
 69         {
 70             public string companycode { get; set; }
 71             public string securitycode { get; set; }
 72             public string securityshortname { get; set; }
 73             public string financecode { get; set; }
 74             public DateTime purchasedate { get; set; }
 75             public DateTime listingdate { get; set; }
 76             public double issueprice { get; set; }
 77         }
 78         private class TableB
 79         {
 80             public string securityvarietycode { get; set; }
 81             public string companycode { get; set; }
 82             public string securitycode { get; set; }
 83             public int shares { get; set; }
 84         }
 86         private class TableE
 87         {
 88             public string secucode { get; set; }
 89             public DateTime tdate { get; set; }
 90             public double high { get; set; }
 91         }
 92         private class TableJ
 93         {
 94             public string secucode { get; set; }
 95             public DateTime tdate { get; set; }
 96             public double avgprice { get; set; }
 97         }
 98         private class TableM
 99         {
100             public string securitycode { get; set; }
101             public DateTime tdatep { get; set; }
102             public int days { get; set; }
103         }
104         private class TableT
105         {
106             public string securityvarietycode { get; set; }
107             public double srkpj { get; set; }
108             public double srspj { get; set; }
109             public double srzdf { get; set; }
110             public double srhsl { get; set; }
111         }
112         private class Result
113         {
114             public double listingopen { get; set; }
115             public double listingclose { get; set; }
116             public double listingopenpremium { get; set; }
117             public double listingchg { get; set; }
118             public double listingturnover { get; set; }
119             public double listinghighpchg { get; set; }
120             public DateTime opendate { get; set; }
121             public double highpchg { get; set; }
122             public int limitupdays { get; set; }
123             public double listingavg { get; set; }
124             public double profit { get; set; }
125             public double issuePrice { get; set; }
126             public int shares { get; set; }
127         }
129         #endregion
131     }
133 }
时间: 2024-12-17 04:24:57

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use Test Create table Student( ID int identity(1,1) primary key, [Name] nvarchar(50) not null ) Create Table Book( ID int identity(1,1) primary key, [Name] nvarchar(50)not null, StudentID int not null ) insert into Student values('张三') insert into St


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