Leetcode_223_Rectangle Area


Find the total area covered by two rectilinear rectangles in a 2D plane.

Each rectangle is defined by its bottom left corner and top right corner as shown in the figure.

Assume that the total area is never beyond the maximum possible value of int.








 * @author lqq
public class Rectangle_Area {

	public int computeArea(int A, int B, int C, int D, int E, int F, int G,int H) {
		// //相离
		// if((E>=C || G<=A) && (H<=B || F>=D)){
		// int _area1 = (C-A>=0?(C-A):(A-C)) * (B-D>=0?

		// int _area2 = (G-E>=0?(G-D):(D-G)) * (H-F>=0?(H-F):(F-H));
		// return _area1 + _area2;
		// }
		// //包括
		// if((A<=E && E<=C && A<=G &&G<=C&&B<=F&&F<=D&&B<=H&&H<=D)){
		// int _area1 = (C-A>=0?(C-A):(A-C)) * (B-D>=0?(B-D):(D-B));
		// return _area1;
		// }else if((A>=E && E>=C && A>=G &&G>=C&&B>=F&&F>=D&&B>=H&&H>=D)){
		// int _area2 = (G-E>=0?

(G-D):(D-G)) * (H-F>=0?

		// return _area2;
		// }
		// //相交 分为一个点在里面和两个点在里面

		int area = (D - B) * (C - A) + (G - E) * (H - F); // 总面积

		int left = Math.max(A, E);
		int down = Math.max(B, F);

		int right = Math.min(G, C);
		int up = Math.min(D, H);

		if (up <= down || right <= left) {
			return area;

		area = area - (right - left) * (up - down);

		return area;
时间: 2024-07-29 09:23:28

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