
2017/8/31 11:32:50 - begin Restore
2017/9/2 1:41:37 - 1 images required
2017/9/2 1:41:37 - media 0961L6 required
2017/9/2 1:41:37 - media 0966L6 required
2017/9/2 1:41:38 - restoring image bsb-front01_1498669201
2017/9/2 1:41:39 - Info bpbrm(pid=2996) bsb-front01 is the host to restore to
2017/9/2 1:41:39 - Info bpbrm(pid=2996) telling media manager to start restore on client
2017/9/2 1:41:42 - Info bpbrm(pid=4940) bsb-front01 is the host to restore to
2017/9/2 1:41:42 - connecting
2017/9/2 1:41:42 - requesting resource 0961L6
2017/9/2 1:41:42 - Info bpbrm(pid=4940) start tar32 on client
2017/9/2 1:41:42 - Info tar32(pid=20303) Restore started.
2017/9/2 1:41:42 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
2017/9/2 1:42:48 - awaiting resource 0961L6 Reason: Drives are in use, Media Server: win2008r2,
Robot Number: 1, Robot Type: TLD, Media ID: N/A, Drive Name: N/A,
Volume Pool: N/A, Storage Unit: N/A, Drive Scan Host: N/A

2017/9/2 1:42:53 - Info bptm(pid=6812) Waiting for mount of media id 0961L6 (copy 1) on server win2008r2.
2017/9/2 1:42:53 - started process bptm (6812)
2017/9/2 1:42:53 - mounting 0961L6
2017/9/2 1:42:53 - granted resource 0961L6
2017/9/2 1:42:53 - granted resource win2008r2001
2017/9/2 1:42:54 - Info bptm(pid=6812) INF - Waiting for mount of media id 0961L6 on server win2008r2 for reading.
2017/9/2 1:43:58 - mounted; mount time: 0:01:05
2017/9/2 1:43:58 - Info bptm(pid=6812) 0961L6
2017/9/2 1:43:59 - Info bptm(pid=6812) INF - Waiting for positioning of media id 0961L6 on server win2008r2 for reading.
2017/9/2 1:43:59 - positioning 0961L6 to file 2244
2017/9/2 1:46:15 - positioned 0961L6; position time: 0:02:16
2017/9/2 1:46:15 - begin reading
2017/9/2 14:16:49 - positioning 0961L6 to file 2245
2017/9/2 14:16:49 - positioned 0961L6; position time: 0:00:00
2017/9/3 4:09:08 - Info tar32(pid=20303) done. status: 0
2017/9/3 4:09:08 - Info tar32(pid=20303) done. status: 0 - the requested operation was successfully completed
2017/9/3 4:09:08 - end reading; read time: 26:22:53
2017/9/3 4:09:08 - Info bpbrm(pid=2996) child done, status 0
2017/9/3 4:09:08 - Info bpbrm(pid=2996) media manager for backup id bsb-front01_1498669201 exited with status 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
2017/9/3 4:09:09 - restored image bsb-front01_1498669201 - (the requested operation was successfully completed(0)); restore time 26:27:31
2017/9/3 4:09:12 - end Restore; elapsed time: 64:36:22
the requested operation was successfully completed(0)



时间: 2024-08-29 10:58:10


多备份与Symantec NBU备份软件对比

多备份 Symantec NBU备份软件 备份架构 基于本地与公有云的分层级备份体系,采用HyperIndex技术实现超大备份索引,可备份海量文件数据:永久增量备份.. 采用传统的C/S结构,架构单一,仅仅只适合在局域网内部署. 部署方式 可采用本地私有云部署以及云部署的多种方式组合:简洁安装,7*24在线服务,远程帮助接入,自助式备份策略设置,自助式恢复. 主要是基于企业内外环境的部署,需要专业工程师进行现场部署实施,部署周期长,实施较复杂. 空间占用 本地+云端的备份模式,可同时在本地和云端

1.1.1 NBU备份之Oracle问题故障的排查

1. Create debug folders under the following directories on database client: All log directories should be created under /usr/openv/netbackup/logs with 777 permissions. /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bphdb /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpcd /usr/openv/netbacku


一. 链接libelf.so.0 检查并确定 libelf.so.0 通过符号链接到 libelf.so.0.8.13 文件.这些文件位于 /usr/lib64/ sapprd01:/#cd /usr/lib64/ sapprd01:/usr/lib64 #ln -s libelf.so.0.8.13 libelf.so.0 如果 libelf.so.0.8.12 文件没有出现在 /usr/lib64/ 位置,请将libelf.so.0.8.13 文件从 SUSE SLES 11 SP1 安装程


[email protected] # more hot_database_backup.sh #!/bin/sh # $Header: hot_database_backup.sh,v 1.3 2010/08/04 17:56:02 $ # #bcpyrght #********************************************************************* #* $VRTScprght: Copyright 2014 Symantec Corpora


查看状态$ db2 list database directory$ db2 get db cfg for BZDB$ db2 list tablespaces$ db2 list tables$ db2 select * from table· 创建数据库$db2 create database BZDB· 连接数据库$db2 connect to BZDB· 创建表$ db2 create table test (name char(8) not null primary key,depid


1.问题描述 备份过程中在viewpoint中查看备份失败代码为1148,具体描述如下: 1148, DSA DSMAIN-BARNC Communication Exception:1001:(cedw-edwbak2) BSASendData failed retcode=3: "System detected error, operation aborted." BSAGetLastError: "Check logs in /usr/openv/netbackup/l

NBU 备份 SQL Server

添加SA密码 在SQL 服务器上打开Netbackup MS SQL Client 添加SA密码 生成备份脚本 在SQL 服务器上打开Netbackup MS SQL Client 选择Backup SQL Server Objects 选择要备份的库,备份类型为全备或者差异备份 创建SQL备份策略 选择备份类型为MS-SQL 添加计划 添加计算机 添加生成的脚本


http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6965d96d0102viee.html https://download.csdn.net/download/shixiaona01998/10181944 http://blog.51cto.com/3402313/1241421 https://wenku.baidu.com/view/b256fa950242a8956bece4ed.html https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/a3aad71


1.1.1 挂载裸LUN 1. 挂载裸LUN,mount到/nbubakcup. 1.1.2 确认安装环境 1.确认磁盘空间 在AIX/Linux环境中,/usr/openv目录下需要3GB以上的剩余空间. 2.解析相关服务器主机名与备份通信的ip地址 我们需要在/etc/hosts文件中添加本机及Master Server的主机名及IP地址. 3.确认Media Server已经正确识别磁带驱动器及磁带库 运行lsdev –Cc tape命令查看Media Server已经正确识别磁带库与磁带