A RUGD Dataset for Autonomous Navigation and Visual Perception in Unstructured Outdoor Environments

张宁 A RUGD Dataset for Autonomous Navigation and Visual Perception in Unstructured Outdoor Environments

Maggie Wigness, Sungmin Eum, John G. Rogers III, David Han and Heesung Kwon

Research in autonomous driving has bene?ted from a number of visual datasets collected from mobile platforms, leading to improved visual perception, greater scene understanding, and ultimately higher intelligence. However, this set of existing data collectively represents only highly structured, urban environments. Operation in unstructured environments, e.g., humanitarian assistance and disaster relief or off-road navigation, bears little resemblance to these existing data. To address this gap, we introduce the Robot Unstructured Ground Driving (RUGD) dataset with video sequences captured from a small, unmanned mobile robot traversing in unstructuredenvironments.Mostnotably,this data differs from existing autonomous driving benchmark data in that it contains signi?cantly more terrain types, irregular class boundaries, minimal structured markings, and presents challenging visual properties often experiencedinoffroadnavigation,e.g.,blurred frames. Over 7,000 frames of pixel-wise annotation are included with this dataset, and we perform an initial benchmark using state-of-the-art semantic segmentation architectures to demonstrate the unique challenges this data introduces as it relates to navigation tasks.



时间: 2024-08-30 15:05:06

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