6-15 Iterative Mergesort (25分)

How would you implement mergesort without using recursion?

The idea of iterative mergesort is to start from N sorted sublists of length 1, and each time to merge a pair of adjacent sublists until one sorted list is obtained. You are supposed to implement the key function of merging.

Format of functions:

void merge_pass( ElementType list[], ElementType sorted[], int N, int length );

The function merge_pass performs one pass of the merge sort that merges adjacent pairs of sublists from list into sortedN is the number of elements in the list and length is the length of the sublists.

Sample program of judge:

#include <stdio.h>

#define ElementType int
#define MAXN 100

void merge_pass( ElementType list[], ElementType sorted[], int N, int length );

void output( ElementType list[], int N )
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<N; i++) printf("%d ", list[i]);

void  merge_sort( ElementType list[],  int N )
    ElementType extra[MAXN];  /* the extra space required */
    int  length = 1;  /* current length of sublist being merged */
    while( length < N ) {
        merge_pass( list, extra, N, length ); /* merge list into extra */
        output( extra, N );
        length *= 2;
        merge_pass( extra, list, N, length ); /* merge extra back to list */
        output( list, N );
        length *= 2;

int main()
    int N, i;
    ElementType A[MAXN];

    scanf("%d", &N);
    for (i=0; i<N; i++) scanf("%d", &A[i]);
    merge_sort(A, N);
    output(A, N);

    return 0;

/* Your function will be put here */

Sample Input:

8 7 9 2 3 5 1 6 4 0

Sample Output:

7 8 2 9 3 5 1 6 0 4
2 7 8 9 1 3 5 6 0 4
1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 0 4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 

void merge_pass( ElementType list[], ElementType sorted[], int N, int length ) {
    for(int i = 0;i < N;i += length * 2) {
        int a = i,b = i + length,j = 0;
        int aa = i + length,bb = i + length * 2;
        if(aa > N) aa = N;
        if(bb > N) bb = N;
        while(a < aa && b < bb) {
            if(list[a] < list[b]) {
                sorted[i + j ++] = list[a ++];
            else sorted[i + j ++] = list[b ++];
        while(a < aa) {
            sorted[i + j ++] = list[a ++];
        while(b < bb) {
            sorted[i + j ++] = list[b ++];


时间: 2024-11-23 22:01:46

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