

  This simple program allows the user to load the openMSP430 program memory with an executable file (ELF or Intel-HEX format) provided as argument.

  It is typically used in conjunction with ‘make‘ in order to automatically load the program after the compile step (see ‘Makefile‘ from software examples provided with the project‘s FPGA implementation).


  1 #!/usr/bin/tclsh
  2 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3 # File Name: openmsp430-loader.tcl
  4 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6 global omsp_conf
  7 global omsp_info
  9 ###############################################################################
 10 #                            SOURCE LIBRARIES                                 #
 11 ###############################################################################
 13 # Get library path
 14 set current_file [info script]
 15 if {[file type $current_file]=="link"} {
 16     set current_file [file readlink $current_file]
 17 }
 18 set lib_path [file dirname $current_file]/../lib/tcl-lib
 20 # Source library
 21 source $lib_path/dbg_functions.tcl
 22 source $lib_path/dbg_utils.tcl
 25 ###############################################################################
 26 #                            PARAMETER CHECK                                  #
 27 ###############################################################################
 28 #proc GetAllowedSpeeds
 30 proc help {} {
 31     puts ""
 32     puts "USAGE   : openmsp430-loader.tcl \[-device   <communication port>\]"
 33     puts "                                \[-adaptor  <adaptor type>\]"
 34     puts "                                \[-speed    <communication speed>\]"
 35     puts "                                \[-i2c_addr <cpu address>\]           <elf/ihex-file>"
 36     puts ""
 37     puts "DEFAULT : <communication port>  = /dev/ttyUSB0"
 38     puts "          <adaptor type>        = uart_generic"
 39     puts "          <communication speed> = 115200 (for UART) / I2C_S_100KHZ (for I2C)"
 40     puts "          <core address>        = 42"
 41     puts ""
 42     puts "EXAMPLES: openmsp430-loader.tcl -device /dev/ttyUSB0 -adaptor uart_generic -speed 9600  leds.elf"
 43     puts "          openmsp430-loader.tcl -device COM2:        -adaptor i2c_usb-iss  -speed I2C_S_100KHZ -i2c_addr 75 ta_uart.ihex"
 44     puts ""
 45 }
 47 # Default values
 48 set omsp_conf(interface)  uart_generic
 49 set omsp_conf(device)     /dev/ttyUSB0
 50 set omsp_conf(baudrate)   [lindex [GetAllowedSpeeds] 1]
 51 set omsp_conf(0,cpuaddr)  42
 52 set elf_file              -1
 53 set bin_file              "[clock clicks].bin"
 55 # Parse arguments
 56 for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
 57     switch -exact -- [lindex $argv $i] {
 58         -device   {set omsp_conf(device)    [lindex $argv [expr $i+1]]; incr i}
 59         -adaptor  {set omsp_conf(interface) [lindex $argv [expr $i+1]]; incr i}
 60         -speed    {set omsp_conf(baudrate)  [lindex $argv [expr $i+1]]; incr i}
 61         -i2c_addr {set omsp_conf(0,cpuaddr) [lindex $argv [expr $i+1]]; incr i}
 62         default   {set elf_file             [lindex $argv $i]}
 63     }
 64 }
 66 # Make sure arugments were specified
 67 if {[string eq $elf_file -1]} {
 68     puts "\nERROR: ELF/IHEX file isn‘t specified"
 69     help
 70     exit 1
 71 }
 73 # Make sure the elf file exists
 74 if {![file exists $elf_file]} {
 75     puts "\nERROR: Specified ELF/IHEX file doesn‘t exist"
 76     help
 77     exit 1
 78 }
 80 # Make sure the selected adptor is valid
 81 if {![string eq $omsp_conf(interface) "uart_generic"] &
 82     ![string eq $omsp_conf(interface) "i2c_usb-iss"]} {
 83     puts "\nERROR: Specified adaptor is not valid (should be \"uart_generic\" or \"i2c_usb-iss\")"
 84     help
 85     exit 1
 86 }
 88 # Make sure the I2C address is an integer
 89 if {![string is integer $omsp_conf(0,cpuaddr)]} {
 90     puts "\nERROR: Specified I2C address is not an integer"
 91     help
 92     exit 1
 93 }
 95 # Make sure the I2C address is valid
 96 if {($omsp_conf(0,cpuaddr)<8) | ($omsp_conf(0,cpuaddr)>119)} {
 97     puts "\nERROR: Specified I2C address should lay between 7 and 120"
 98     help
 99     exit 1
100 }
102 # If the selected interface is a UART, make sure the selected speed is an integer
103 if {[string eq $omsp_conf(interface) "uart_generic"]} {
104     if {![string is integer $omsp_conf(baudrate)]} {
105         puts "\nERROR: Specified UART communication speed is not an integer"
106         help
107         exit 1
108     }
109 } elseif {[string eq $omsp_conf(interface) "i2c_usb-iss"]} {
110     if {[lsearch [lindex [GetAllowedSpeeds] 2] $omsp_conf(baudrate)]==-1} {
111         puts "\nERROR: Specified I2C communication speed is not valid."
112         puts "         Allowed values are:"
113         foreach allowedVal [lindex [GetAllowedSpeeds] 2] {
114             puts "                              - $allowedVal"
115         }
116         puts ""
117         exit 1
118     }
119 }
122 ###############################################################################
123 #                  CREATE AND READ BINARY EXECUTABLE FILE                     #
124 ###############################################################################
126 # Detect the file format depending on the fil extention
127 set fileType [file extension $elf_file]
128 set fileType [string tolower $fileType]
129 regsub {\.} $fileType {} fileType
130 if {![string eq $fileType "ihex"] & ![string eq $fileType "hex"] & ![string eq $fileType "elf"]} {
131     puts "\nERROR: [string toupper $fileType] file format not supported"
132     return 0
133 }
134 if {[string eq $fileType "hex"]} {
135     set fileType "ihex"
136 }
137 if {[string eq $fileType "elf"]} {
138     set fileType "elf32-msp430"
139 }
141 # Generate binary file
142 if {[catch {exec msp430-objcopy -I $fileType -O binary $elf_file $bin_file} errMsg]} {
143     puts $errMsg
144     exit 1
145 }
147 # Wait until bin file is present on the filesystem
148 set timeout 100
149 for {set i 0} {$i <= $timeout} {incr i} {
150     after 500
151     if {[file exists $bin_file]} {
152         break
153     }
154 }
155 if {$i>=$timeout} {
156     puts "\nTimeout: ELF to BIN file conversion problem with \"msp430-objcopy\" executable"
157     puts "$errMsg"
158     exit 1
159 }
161 # Read file
162 set fp [open $bin_file r]
163 fconfigure $fp -translation binary
164 binary scan [read $fp] H* hex_data yop
165 close $fp
167 # Cleanup
168 file delete $bin_file
170 # Get program size
171 set hex_size  [string length $hex_data]
172 set byte_size [expr $hex_size/2]
173 set word_size [expr $byte_size/2]
175 # Format data
176 for {set i 0} {$i < $hex_size} {set i [expr $i+4]} {
177     set hex_msb "[string index $hex_data [expr $i+2]][string index $hex_data [expr $i+3]]"
178     set hex_lsb "[string index $hex_data [expr $i+0]][string index $hex_data [expr $i+1]]"
179     lappend DataArray "0x$hex_msb$hex_lsb"
180 }
183 ###############################################################################
184 #                      LOAD PROGRAM TO OPENMSP430 TARGET                      #
185 ###############################################################################
187 # Connect to target and stop CPU
188 puts            ""
189 puts -nonewline "Connecting with the openMSP430 ($omsp_conf(device), $omsp_conf(baudrate)\ bps)... "
190 flush stdout
191 if {![GetDevice 0]} {
192     puts "failed"
193     puts "Could not open $omsp_conf(device)"
194     puts "Available serial ports are:"
195     foreach port [utils::uart_port_list] {
196     puts "                             -  $port"
197     }
198     if {[string eq $omsp_conf(interface) "i2c_usb-iss"]} {
199         puts "\nMake sure the specified I2C device address is correct: $omsp_conf(0,cpuaddr)\n"
200     }
201     exit 1
202 }
203 ExecutePOR_Halt 0
204 puts "done"
205 set sizes [GetCPU_ID_SIZE 0]
207 if {$omsp_info(0,alias)!=""} {
208     puts "Connected: target device identified as $omsp_info(0,alias)."
209 }
210 puts "Connected: target device has [lindex $sizes 0]B Program Memory and [lindex $sizes 1]B Data Memory"
211 puts ""
213 # Make sure ELF program size is the same as the available program memory
214 if {[lindex $sizes 0] != [expr $hex_size/2]} {
215     puts "ERROR: ELF program size ($byte_size B) is different than the available program memory ([lindex $sizes 0] B)"
216     exit 1
217 }
219 # Load Program Memory
220 set StartAddr [format "0x%04x" [expr 0x10000-$byte_size]]
221 puts -nonewline "Load Program Memory... "
222 flush stdout
223 WriteMemQuick 0 $StartAddr $DataArray
224 after 500
225 puts "done"
227 # Check Data
228 puts -nonewline "Verify Program Memory... "
229 flush stdout
230 if {[VerifyMem 0 $StartAddr $DataArray 1]} {
231     puts "done"
232 } else {
233     puts "ERROR"
234     exit 1
235 }
237 # Release device
238 ReleaseDevice 0 0xfffe
时间: 2024-09-20 16:41:58



Byte and word issues 1 Appending “.b” to an instruction makes it a byte operation. A byte instruction with a register destination clears the high 8 bits of the register to 0. Thus, the following would clear the top byte of the register, leaving the l


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webapck中使用loader的方法有三种 使用loader之前必须运行安装 : npm install --save-dev xxx-loader (1)通过CLI : 命令行中运行 webpack --module-bind jade  --module-bind 'css=style!css' //jade,style,css后面可省略-loader,他们分别对.jade使用jade-loader,对.css使用style-loader和css-loader (2)通过require :

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    // 注册classmap     public static function addClassMap($class, $map = '')     {// 如果 addClassMap  类文件映射,支持 数组,或者 key value 两种方式         if (is_array($class)) {             self::$map = array_merge(self::$map, $class);         } else {             s

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如题: extjs4的代码 到了ext6不执行了 ext4代码: loader: {                    url: me.url,                    autoLoad: true,                    scripts: true                } 在ext6中作如下修改即可: loader: { renderer : function(loader, response, active) {