Ural 1011. Conductors

1011. Conductors

Time limit: 2.0 second
Memory limit: 64 MB


Everyone making translations from English to Russian knows an English phrase "Naked conductor runs along the bus". It has two very different meanings.


Every bus in the Ekaterinburg city has a special man (or woman) called conductor. When you ride the bus, you have to give money to the conductor. We know that there are more than P% conductors and less than Q% conductors of all citizens of Ekaterinburg. Your task is to determine a minimal possible number of Ekaterinburg citizens. By percentage, we know that there are more than P% conductors and less than Q% conductors of all Russian citizens in this city


Two numbers P,Q such that 0.01 ≤ PQ ≤ 99.99. Numbers are given with 2 digits precision. These numbers are separated by some spaces or "end of line" symbols.


The minimal number of Ekaterinburg citizens.


input output


If there are 15 citizens and 2 conductors among them in Ekaterinburg, then there are 13 1/3 % conductors of all citizens.

Problem Source: USU Championship 1997

来源: <http://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx?space=1&num=1011>

初步想法:从 1 开始遍历,当 n/p 和 n/q 之间存在整数,则所夹最小整数就是所求结果了。但下面的程序 floor 、 ceil 、 fabs 太耗时间了,虽然在自己电脑上都是秒出,但在评测机上达到了 2s 多,华丽丽 TLE。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(){
    long n=0;
    double p,q,tp,tq;
        if(fabs(tq-tp)<1E-2) break;
        //if(tp>tq) break;
        //if(tp<tq) continue;
    return 0;

?改进:整个算法就循环最耗时间了,有针对性地修改即可,直接 long 强转只保留整数部分,于是考虑:

?  n/p n/q  强转 ->  tp  tq

2.x  1.y                 2    1

3.x  1.y                 3    1

2.x  2.y                 2    2

可以看到上面就是小数直接夹着整数的情况成立条件是 tp > tq 。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

const double e=1E-6;
int main(){
    long n=0;
    double p,q;
    long tp,tq;
        //tp=long(n/p);  //WA
        if(tq<tp) break;
    return 0;

By Black Storm(使用为知笔记)

时间: 2025-02-01 06:53:42

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