A Room-Escape game made by Clojure, playing with telnet and pure-text commands - Part 1

Code path:


As I have been a fan of room-escape games, there have always been a desire to make my own story of a room-escape game. However, I‘m not a UX and don‘t know much about GUI. So I created this pure-text room-escape game, with scalable API for new stories.

1. Build the model of a room

To begin with, I pictured a draft room, with nothing but a door and a table.

Then the door needs to have a locker and a key to escape from it.

Now where to put the key?

I decided to hide the key into a safe with a password panel. The player have to enter the correct password to open it.

Then how does the player find clue about the password?

I designed to leave some message on a card which is placed on the table. When player picks the card and examine it, he/she will get the riddle on the card.

Check the scratch below:

That‘s all the story for a simple room to escape from!

The following chapters will explain how the program works.

时间: 2024-08-09 06:13:50

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