mysql "is marked as crashed and should be repaired"故障


phpmyadmin有修复按钮,但是项目用的是windows环境下的mysql front软件。网上关于这个故障的修复回答,在实际操作中还是有点偏差,所以把过程记录下来。

找到myisamchk.exe路径(C:\mysql5.6\MySQL Server 5.6\bin)之后,直接运行“myisamchk -c -r 路径”,例:

C:\mysql5.6\MySQL Server 5.6\bin>myisamchk -c -r D:\database\mysql5.6\data\dbname\tablename

网上有答案说运行myisamchk -c -r D:\database\mysql5.6\data\dbname\tablename.MYI

结果报了 is not a MyISAM-table的错...


Data records: 163763
- Fixing index 1
Found link that points at 18337776 (outside data file) at 8461788
- Fixing index 2
Data records: 163762

时间: 2024-10-10 18:03:12

mysql "is marked as crashed and should be repaired"故障的相关文章

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为了不冒失修复,故采取保守做法,我们知道 MySQL 一个高效的管理工具便是 PhpMyAdmin,而在该管理软件中就包含了对表的检查.分析.修复.优化功能,比起网上提供的含糊命令行来说更安全更简便. 通过实践,在使用检查表功能后确实发现了问题,之后使用修复功能进行了修复,反馈结果每个表都已经 ok,再执行一次优化,重新测试访问网站终于恢复了正常.一场灾难就此避免-- [MySQL]快速解决"Table '.\sjzlf\zbp_post' is marked as crashed and sh

[MySQL]快速解决"is marked as crashed and should be repaired"故障

具体报错如下: Table '.\Tablename\posts' is marked as crashed and should be repaired 提示说论坛的帖子表posts被标记有问题,需要修复.我记得以前也出现过类似的问题,但是只要点击Phpmyadmin上的repair按纽就自动修复了,但是这次很绝,什么都没有.于是赶快上网查找原因.最终将问题解决.解决方法如下: 找到mysql的安装目录的bin/myisamchk工具,在命令行中输入: myisamchk -c -r ../d

Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired 报错

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导出Mysql数据库出错:Got error: 145: Table 'wp_options' is marked as crashed and should be repaired when using LOCK TABLES的解决方法

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mysql错误Table ‘./mysql/proc’ is marked as crashed and should be repaired

今天服务器当机了,重启后就发现了如下错误: Table ‘./mysql/proc’ is marked as crashed and should be repaired 解决方法: repair table mysql.proc;

mysql 报错'./ivr/T_CDR' is marked as crashed and should be repaired when doing LOCK TABLES

出现这种情况应该是在跑业务的时候,mysql数据库异常中断导致表异常,查看mysql日志报错如下 [[email protected] opt]# tail -n 5/var/log/mysqld.log 16082713:29:33[ERROR]/usr/libexec/mysqld:Table'./ivr/T_CDR' is marked as crashed and should be repaired 16082713:29:40[ERROR]/usr/libexec/mysqld:Ta

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【mysql】 is marked as crashed and should be repaired

-备份数据库时报错 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Table './daifans/wp_options' is marked as crashed and should be repaired - 在网上查了文档,说是表损坏,所以 WordPress 的文章都显示不出来,需要修复,修复前需要备份 我备份时也出错了,说是损坏的那个表备份不了的意思,我就用排除废表备份其他的 # mysqldump -uroot -p  dbname --ignore-table=dbname

Table ‘xxx' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

发现一个”Table ‘xxx' is marked as crashed and should be repaired” 的错误.连忙上网搜索,原来修改这个严重的错误很简单: 1. 进入管理mysql的phpmyadmin 2. 在左则选中自己的数据库 3. 在右则勾选中错误信息中的那个'xxx'表 4. 滚动屏幕到下面,有个下拉菜单(With selected:),选择”Repair table” Table 'xxx' is marked as crashed and should be