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Related Projects


  • Coreos (Linux for Massive Server Deployments)
  • Atomic (A platform optimized for Linux containers)
  • Rancheio (Simple, elegant tools for managing Docker in production)
  • Snappy (A new, transactionally updated Ubuntu for clouds and devices)
  • Photon
  • ClearLinux (The Clear Linux™ Project for Intel® Architecture is a project that is building a Linux OS distribution for various cloud use cases)

Virtual Machine

  • boot2docker (Lightweight Linux for Docker)
  • dvm (An on demand Docker virtual machine)


  • rocket (App Container runtime)
  • dockerlite (Lightweight virtualization system based on LXC and BTRFS)
  • lmctfy (lmctfy is the open source version of Google’s container stack, which provides Linux application containers.)
  • OpenVZ
  • Hyper (Hyper = Hypervisor + Kernel + Docker Image)
  • bocker (Docker implemented in around 100 lines of bash)

Management Tools

  • kubernetes (Container Cluster Manager)
  • shipyard (Composable Docker Management)
  • swarm (A Docker-native clustering system)
  • citadel (A toolkit for building a distributed docker cluster)
  • docker-cluster (Cluster support for Docker, using the remote API)
  • compose (Define and run complex applications using Docker)
  • shutit (Complex and Dynamic Docker Builds Made Simple)
  • maestro (Container orchestration for Docker environments)
  • decking (A Docker helper to create, manage and run clusters of containers)
  • flocker (Easily manage Docker containers & their data)
  • serf (Service orchestration and management tool)
  • marathon (Deploy and manage containers (including Docker) on top of Apache Mesos at scale)
  • gaudi (Gaudi allows to share multi-component applications, based on Docker, Go, and YAML)
  • panamax (Docker management for humans)
  • clocker (Brooklyn managed Docker containers)
  • fleet (A Distributed init System)
  • Meteor(Clustering solution for Meteor with load balancing and service discovery)
  • helios (Docker container orchestration platform)
  • maestro-ng (Orchestration of Docker-based, multi-host environments)
  • shipper (Fabric for docker containers)
  • origin (OpenShift 3 – build, deploy, and manage your applications with Docker and Kubernetes)
  • autodock (The docker container automation tool.)
  • blockade (Docker-based utility for testing network failures and partitions in distributed applications,docs)
  • rancher (A Platform for Operating Docker in
  • rocker-compose (Docker composition tool with idempotency features for deploying apps composed of multiple containers.)
  • chronos(Fault tolerant job scheduler for Mesos which handles dependencies and ISO8601 based schedules)

Paas Platforms

  • flynn (A next generation open source platform as a service)
  • deis (Your PaaS. Your Rules)
  • peas (Docker and Ruby based PaaS)
  • dawn (Docker-based PaaS in Ruby)
  • octohost(Simple web focused Dockerfile based PaaS server)
  • dokku (Docker powered mini-Heroku in around 100 lines of Bash)
  • cloudfoundry
  • paz (A pluggable in-house service platform with a PaaS-like workflow, built on Docker, CoreOS, Etcd and Fleet)
  • armada (Complete solution for development, deployment, configuration and discovery of microservices)

Integration Projects


  • seagull (Friendly Web UI to monitor docker daemon)
  • dockerana (Docker Monitoring with support for Grafana and Graphite)
  • docker-mon(Console-based Docker monitoring)
  • cadvisor (Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers)
  • Prometheus (The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database,see the docker exporter)


  • weave (The Docker Network)
  • wormhole (A smart proxy to connect docker containers.)
  • flannel (flannel is an etcd backed network fabric for containers)
  • calico-docker(Docker version of Project Calico,Calico can provide networking in a Docker environment)
  • libnetwork (networking for containers)

Continuous Integration

  • drone (A Continuous Integration platform built on Docker)

Development And Deployment

  • tug (Docker development workflow)
  • vagga(Vagga is a tool to create development environments)
  • longshoreman (Automated deployment with Docker)
  • centurion (A mass deployment tool for Docker fleets)
  • shutit (Complex and Dynamic Docker Builds Made Simple)
  • dockership (dead simple docker deploy tool)
  • devstep (Development environments powered by Docker and buildpacks)
  • docker-devenv (Docker based development environment)
  • dexec (Command line interface for running code with Docker Exec images)


  • logspout (Log routing for Docker container logs)
  • logjam (a log shipping tool)

Service Discovery

  • skydock (based on DNS)
  • Consul (Consul is a tool for service discovery, monitoring and configuration)
  • registrator(Service registry bridge for Docker with pluggable adapters)
  • etcd (A highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery)
  • docker-grand-ambassador ( fully dynamic docker link ambassador)
  • confd (Manage local application configuration files using templates and data from etcd or consul)
  • ambassadord (Magic Docker ambassador)
  • logcabin (LogCabin is a distributed storage system built on Raft that provides a small amount of highly replicated, consistent storage)

Private Registry

  • docket (Custom docker registry that allows for lightning fast deploys through bittorrent)
  • docker-registry (Registry server for Docker (hosting/delivering of repositories and images))
  • wharf(ContainerOps Open Source Platform)
  • distribution (The Docker toolset to pack, ship, store, and deliver content)
  • dogestry (simple docker image storage on s3)
  • docker-private-registry (Private Docker Registry)
  • speedy (a distributed docker image storage)

UI Tools

  • dockerboard (Simple dashboards, visualizations, managements for your dockers)
  • Kitematic (for MAC OSX)
  • dockerui (A web interface for docker)
  • docker-registry-web (A web UI for easy private/local Docker Registry integration)
  • Portus (Authorization service and frontend for Docker registry v2)
  • panamax-ui (The Web GUI for Panamax)
  • seagull (Friendly Web UI to monitor docker daemon)


  • pfs (A git-like distributed file system for a dockerized world)



  • subuser (Run programs in linux with selectively restricted permissions)


  • ferry (define, run, and deploy big data applications on AWS, OpenStack, and your local machine using Docker,
  • codecube (Docker-powered runnable code snippets)
  • DUnit (Test code against multiple versions of PHP with the help of docker)
  • PHP Stack (Docker- and Shipyard-managed PHP development stack: Nginx, MySQL, MongoDB, PHP-FPM, HHVM, Memcached, Redis, and Elasticsearch. Includes an optional Vagrant-managed CoreOS proxy box at your leisure.)
  • Django Demo (Demo Django App using Docker)
  • dnt (Docker Node Tester)
  • dockermail (A secure, minimal-configuration mail server in a docker container.)
  • docker-rpm-builder (Build native RPM packages by leveraging docker capabilities)
  • tmpnb (Creates temporary Jupyter Notebook servers using Docker containers)
  • open-ocr (Run your own OCR-as-a-Service using Tesseract and Docker)
  • dray (An engine for managing the execution of container-based workflows)
  • kolla (Deploying OpenStack using Kubernetes and Docker)
  • docker-desktop (Docker Desktop enables you to create virtual desktops that can be accessed remotely. It comes with Firefox and Libreoffice already installed)

Images And Dockerfiles

  • dockly (DSL and Gem for building ready-to-launch Docker images)
  • baseimage-docker (A minimal Ubuntu base image modified for Docker-friendlines)
  • busybox (Busybox for Stackbrew)
  • busybox (Busybox container with glibc+opkg)
  • dockerfile-examples
  • passenger-docker (Docker base images for Ruby, Python, Node.js and Meteor web apps)
  • Dockerfile Project
  • Dockerfiles(Collection of Dockerfiles)
  • docker-desktop (create virtual desktops that can be accessed remotely)
  • StealthBox(Share your favorite content remotely without spoiling your home network)
  • Machine Learning (Get up and running with machine learning using Docker)
  • Gitlab (Dockerized gitlab web server)
  • Discourse (A Docker image for Discourse)
  • OpenVPN (Recipe to build an OpenVPN image for Docker)
  • WordPress+nginx (A Dockerfile that installs the latest wordpress, nginx and php-fpm.another wordpress image) / another one wordpress
  • Nignx-Proxy (Automated nginx proxy for Docker containers using docker-gen)
  • docker-squash (Squash docker images to make them smaller)
  • Mysql (Docker image to run an out-of-the-box MySQL server)
  • CentOS-Dockerfiles (Dockerfiles for various common implementations)
  • Redmine (Dockerized redmine app server)
  • Spark (Dockerfiles and scripts for Spark and Shark Docker images)
  • docker-grafana-graphite (Docker image with StatsD, Graphite, Grafana and a Kamon Dashboard)
  • Elasticsearch (ElasticSearch Dockerfile for trusted automated Docker builds)
  • docker-alpine (Docker image based on Alpine Linux will help you win at minimalism)
  • Hadoop (Hadoop docker image)
  • R (R configurations for Docker)
  • ASP.NET (Docker image for ASP.NET 5.)
  • nmpjs (Docker image for a private npmjs repository)
  • Jenkins (Builds a Docker image for Jenkins)
  • Postgres (Docker Official Image packaging for Postgres)
  • Logstash (Docker image for Logstash 1.4 )


  • dockize (Utility to simplify running applications in docker containers)
  • Supervisor (A Process Control System)
  • CFEngine (Process management)
  • docker-gen (Generate files from docker container meta-data)
  • tini (A tiny but valid init for containers)
  • S6 (s6 is a small suite of programs for UNIX, designed to allow process supervision)


  • powerstrip (A tool for prototyping Docker extensions)

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Service Discovery With Docker

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时间: 2024-08-04 23:46:31

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