the leak of the memory in c++ 03

The Leak of the Memory in C++

In this chaper I will introduce a new smart pointer which is scoped_ptr;

It likes auto_ptr but better. When peopel use auto_ptr, sometimes they forget

that auto_ptr alread is empty, like this;

 auto_ptr<Person> p1(new Person);
    auto_ptr<Person> p2 = p1;
    cout << p1->name() << endl;

In above situation, p1 is empty pointer after it gives pointee to p2. It

will produce some error.

But scoped_ptr can‘t give pointee to any pointer, so it will be better and

safer in some cases.

Now I‘ll introduce some special pattern to you, I say special, because in

normal cases, it just used in C++; In articles which I wrote before, I avoided

to use operator of delete, but I still use new operator, in this article I‘ll

introduce method which can help us to avoid use new operator.

Now let us welcome our pattern: PIMPL, it means Pointer to Implement. It

looks like below.


class PersonImpl
        cout << "I'm constructed" << endl;
        cout << "I'm destructed!" << endl;

    int age_;
    string name_;
    const string& getName()const
        return name_;
    void setName(const string& name)
        name_ = name;

    int getAge()
        return age_;

    void setAge(int age)
        age_ = age;


using namespace std;
using namespace boost;

class Person

    Person() :
        personPtr_(new PersonImpl)

    scoped_ptr<PersonImpl> personPtr_;

    int getAge()
        return personPtr_->getAge();

    void setAge(int age)

    const string& getName()const
        return personPtr_->getName();

    void setName(const string& name)


using namespace std;
using namespace boost;

int main(int,char**)
    Person person;
    return 0;

In above code, I did not implement Person directly, instead of a smart

pointer which point a class which implement Person. So we can use class Person

just like I use it in main function without new neither delete operators.

the leak of the memory in c++ 03

时间: 2024-12-09 03:09:49

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