zabbix auto add and delete screen

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. #-*-coding:utf-8-*-
  3. # Author : SammyTan
  4. # Email : [email protected]
  5. # Last modified : 2016-04-25 16:24
  6. # Filename :
  7. # Description : Auto add delete and update zabbix screens
  8. import os
  9. import urllib2
  10. import json
  11. import argparse
  12. url=‘‘
  13. username=‘Admin‘
  14. password=‘zabbix‘
  15. def authenticate(url, username, password):
  16. values ={‘jsonrpc‘:‘2.0‘,
  17. ‘method‘:‘user.login‘,
  18. ‘params‘:{
  19. ‘user‘: username,
  20. ‘password‘: password
  21. },
  22. ‘id‘:‘0‘
  23. }
  24. data = json.dumps(values)
  25. req = urllib2.Request(url, data,{‘Content-Type‘:‘application/json-rpc‘})
  26. response = urllib2.urlopen(req, data)
  27. output = json.loads(
  28. try:
  29. message = output[‘result‘]
  30. except:
  31. message = output[‘error‘][‘data‘]
  32. print message
  33. quit()
  34. return output[‘result‘]
  35. def getHost():
  36. values ={
  37. "jsonrpc":"2.0",
  38. "method":"host.get",
  39. "params":{
  40. "output":[
  41. "host"
  42. ]
  43. },
  44. "id":1,
  45. "auth":"2e92f0d30d878442533da77c15ae7cdd"
  46. }
  47. data = json.dumps(values)
  48. req = urllib2.Request(url, data,{‘Content-Type‘:‘application/json-rpc‘})
  49. response = urllib2.urlopen(req, data)
  50. output = json.loads(
  51. return output
  52. def getGraph(hostid):
  53. values ={
  54. "jsonrpc":"2.0",
  55. "method":"graph.get",
  56. "params":{
  57. "output":[
  58. "graphid"
  59. ],
  60. "hostids": hostid
  61. },
  62. "auth":"2e92f0d30d878442533da77c15ae7cdd",
  63. "id":1
  64. }
  65. data = json.dumps(values)
  66. req = urllib2.Request(url, data,{‘Content-Type‘:‘application/json-rpc‘})
  67. response = urllib2.urlopen(req, data)
  68. host_get =
  69. output = json.loads(host_get)
  70. #print json.dumps(output)
  71. return output
  72. def getScreentimeid(screenid):
  73. values ={
  74. "jsonrpc":"2.0",
  75. "method":"screen.get",
  76. "params":{
  77. "output":"extend",
  78. "selectScreenItems":[
  79. "screenitemid"
  80. ],
  81. "screenids": screenid
  82. },
  83. "auth":"2e92f0d30d878442533da77c15ae7cdd",
  84. "id":1
  85. }
  86. data = json.dumps(values)
  87. req = urllib2.Request(url, data,{‘Content-Type‘:‘application/json-rpc‘})
  88. response = urllib2.urlopen(req, data)
  89. host_get =
  90. output = json.loads(host_get)
  91. #print json.dumps(output)
  92. return output
  93. def getScreen():
  94. values ={
  95. "jsonrpc":"2.0",
  96. "method":"screen.get",
  97. "params":{
  98. "output":[
  99. "name",
  100. "screenid"
  101. ]
  102. },
  103. "auth":"2e92f0d30d878442533da77c15ae7cdd",
  104. "id":1
  105. }
  106. data = json.dumps(values)
  107. req = urllib2.Request(url, data,{‘Content-Type‘:‘application/json-rpc‘})
  108. response = urllib2.urlopen(req, data)
  109. host_get =
  110. output = json.loads(host_get)
  111. return output
  112. def screenDelete(screenid):
  113. values ={
  114. "jsonrpc":"2.0",
  115. "method":"screen.delete",
  116. "params":[
  117. screenid
  118. ],
  119. "auth":"2e92f0d30d878442533da77c15ae7cdd",
  120. "id":1
  121. }
  122. data = json.dumps(values)
  123. req = urllib2.Request(url, data,{‘Content-Type‘:‘application/json-rpc‘})
  124. response = urllib2.urlopen(req, data)
  125. host_get =
  126. output = json.loads(host_get)
  127. return output
  128. #os.system(‘python /root/Scripts_Tmemplate/ -c 2 $each_host $each_host‘)
  129. def main():
  130. host_output=getHost()
  131. host_list =[]
  132. # add host to host list
  133. for host in host_output[‘result‘]:
  134. #print host
  135. host_list.append(host[‘host‘])
  136. screenname_list =[]
  137. screen_output=getScreen()
  138. # add screen name to saceen list
  139. for name in screen_output[‘result‘]:
  140. screenname_list.append(name[‘name‘])
  141. #Check host , if this host not have screen ,the self create screen .
  142. for host in host_list:
  143. if host notin screenname_list:# if this host not in screen list , the creend the host screen
  144. os.system(‘python /root/Scripts_Tmemplate/ -c 2 %s %s‘%(host,host))  
  145. #### 该脚本在下面
  146. print‘Create %s host screen‘%(host)
  147. #Delete invalid screen
  148. for name in screenname_list:
  149. for sid in screen_output[‘result‘]:
  150. if name in sid[‘name‘]:
  151. screenid = sid[‘screenid‘]
  152. if name notin host_list:
  153. delete_result = screenDelete(screenid)
  154. print‘Delete %s host screen‘%(name)
  155. #Check host graphs number, if graphs number grant than exsit screens graphs , the delete it after recreated.
  156. for screenid in screen_output[‘result‘]:
  157. #print screenid
  158. screenGraphs = getScreentimeid(screenid[‘screenid‘])
  159. for sid in screenGraphs[‘result‘]:
  160. for host in host_output[‘result‘]:
  161. if host[‘host‘]in screenid[‘name‘]:
  162. hostid = host[‘hostid‘]
  163. hostname = host[‘host‘]
  164. hostGraphs = getGraph(hostid)
  165. #print host[‘host‘],len(hostGraphs[‘result‘]),len(sid[‘screenitems‘])
  166. if len(hostGraphs[‘result‘])> len(sid[‘screenitems‘]):
  167. delete_result = screenDelete(host[‘hostid‘])
  168. os.system(‘python /root/Scripts_Tmemplate/ -c 2 %s %s‘%(hostname,hostname))
  169. print‘Update %s host screen‘%(hostname)
  170. else:
  171. print‘All screen already sync .‘
  172. if __name__ ==‘__main__‘:
  173. main()
  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. import urllib2
  3. import json
  4. import argparse
  5. def authenticate(url, username, password):
  6. values ={‘jsonrpc‘:‘2.0‘,
  7. ‘method‘:‘user.login‘,
  8. ‘params‘:{
  9. ‘user‘: username,
  10. ‘password‘: password
  11. },
  12. ‘id‘:‘0‘
  13. }
  14. data = json.dumps(values)
  15. req = urllib2.Request(url, data,{‘Content-Type‘:‘application/json-rpc‘})
  16. response = urllib2.urlopen(req, data)
  17. output = json.loads(
  18. try:
  19. message = output[‘result‘]
  20. except:
  21. message = output[‘error‘][‘data‘]
  22. print message
  23. quit()
  24. return output[‘result‘]
  25. def getGraph(hostname, url, auth, graphtype, dynamic, columns):
  26. if(graphtype ==0):
  27. selecttype =[‘graphid‘]
  28. select =‘selectGraphs‘
  29. if(graphtype ==1):
  30. selecttype =[‘itemid‘,‘value_type‘]
  31. select =‘selectItems‘
  32. values ={‘jsonrpc‘:‘2.0‘,
  33. ‘method‘:‘host.get‘,
  34. ‘params‘:{
  35. select: selecttype,
  36. ‘output‘:[‘hostid‘,‘host‘],
  37. ‘searchByAny‘:1,
  38. ‘filter‘:{
  39. ‘host‘: hostname
  40. }
  41. },
  42. ‘auth‘: auth,
  43. ‘id‘:‘2‘
  44. }
  45. data = json.dumps(values)
  46. req = urllib2.Request(url, data,{‘Content-Type‘:‘application/json-rpc‘})
  47. response = urllib2.urlopen(req, data)
  48. host_get =
  49. output = json.loads(host_get)
  50. # print json.dumps(output)
  51. graphs =[]
  52. if(graphtype ==0):
  53. for i in output[‘result‘][0][‘graphs‘]:
  54. graphs.append(i[‘graphid‘])
  55. if(graphtype ==1):
  56. for i in output[‘result‘][0][‘items‘]:
  57. if int(i[‘value_type‘])in(0,3):
  58. graphs.append(i[‘itemid‘])
  59. graph_list =[]
  60. x =0
  61. y =0
  62. for graph in graphs:
  63. graph_list.append({
  64. "resourcetype": graphtype,
  65. "resourceid": graph,
  66. "width":"500",
  67. "height":"200",
  68. "x": str(x),
  69. "y": str(y),
  70. "colspan":"1",
  71. "rowspan":"1",
  72. "elements":"0",
  73. "valign":"0",
  74. "halign":"0",
  75. "style":"0",
  76. "url":"",
  77. "dynamic": str(dynamic)
  78. })
  79. x +=1
  80. if x == columns:
  81. x =0
  82. y +=1
  83. return graph_list
  84. def screenCreate(url, auth, screen_name, graphids, columns):
  85. # print graphids
  86. if len(graphids)% columns ==0:
  87. vsize = len(graphids)/ columns
  88. else:
  89. vsize =(len(graphids)/ columns)+1
  90. values ={"jsonrpc":"2.0",
  91. "method":"screen.create",
  92. "params":[{
  93. "name": screen_name,
  94. "hsize": columns,
  95. "vsize": vsize,
  96. "screenitems":[]
  97. }],
  98. "auth": auth,
  99. "id":2
  100. }
  101. for i in graphids:
  102. values[‘params‘][0][‘screenitems‘].append(i)
  103. data = json.dumps(values)
  104. req = urllib2.Request(url, data,{‘Content-Type‘:‘application/json-rpc‘})
  105. response = urllib2.urlopen(req, data)
  106. host_get =
  107. output = json.loads(host_get)
  108. try:
  109. message = output[‘result‘]
  110. except:
  111. message = output[‘error‘][‘data‘]
  112. print json.dumps(message)
  113. def main():
  114. url =‘‘
  115. username ="Admin"
  116. password ="zabbix"
  117. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=‘Create Zabbix screen from all of a host Items or Graphs.‘)
  118. parser.add_argument(‘hostname‘, metavar=‘H‘, type=str,
  119. help=‘Zabbix Host to create screen from‘)
  120. parser.add_argument(‘screenname‘, metavar=‘N‘, type=str,
  121. help=‘Screen name in Zabbix. Put quotes around it if you want spaces in the name.‘)
  122. parser.add_argument(‘-c‘, dest=‘columns‘, type=int, default=2,
  123. help=‘number of columns in the screen (default: 2)‘)
  124. parser.add_argument(‘-d‘, dest=‘dynamic‘, action=‘store_true‘,
  125. help=‘enable for dynamic screen items (default: disabled)‘)
  126. parser.add_argument(‘-t‘, dest=‘screentype‘, action=‘store_true‘,
  127. help=‘set to 1 if you want item simple graphs created (default: 0, regular graphs)‘)
  128. args = parser.parse_args()
  129. hostname = args.hostname
  130. screen_name = args.screenname
  131. columns = args.columns
  132. dynamic =(1if args.dynamic else0)
  133. screentype =(1if args.screentype else0)
  134. auth = authenticate(url, username, password)
  135. graphids = getGraph(hostname, url, auth, screentype, dynamic, columns)
  136. print"Screen Name: "+ screen_name
  137. print"Total Number of Graphs: "+ str(len(graphids))
  138. screenCreate(url, auth, screen_name, graphids, columns)
  139. if __name__ ==‘__main__‘:
  140. main()


时间: 2024-10-06 00:23:20

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