
Are sweeteners safe and healthy? 甜味剂是否真的安全又健康?


For many of us, the relationship we have with sugar is love at first taste, and that love usually lasts a lifetime. But what price do we have to pay for this truly addictive, sugary love? Rotten teeth? Heavier bodies? Raised blood sugar levels? Or even type 2 diabetes?

Time to quit perhaps? Easier said than done. What’s the alternative? Many would suggest using sweeteners as a substitute. But are sweeteners healthier than sugar?

Sweeteners are usually low-calorie or calorie-free substances that have a similar taste to sugar. It is estimated that more than a quarter of British households buy artificial sweeteners to help cut their sugar intake.


That’ll put hairs on your chest! 那会使你健康强壮!



Facebook apology after Lahore attack


Facebook has apologised after its Safety Check system wrongly asked people if they were caught in a bomb attack in Pakistan.

The suicide attack on Sunday in a Lahore park killed more than 70 people, including children.

Facebook’s Safety Check system activates after a tragedy to help people let others know they are safe.

The social network blamed a “bug” for the warnings sent to people thousands of miles away from Pakistan.

Responsibility for the attack on Sunday has been claimed by a Taliban splinter group called Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, which said it targeted Christians celebrating Easter.

Police are still looking in to the claim.

Mistaken message

The Safety Check system is supposed to be a quick way for members of the social network to let friends and family know they are safe if they are caught up in or are close to a natural disaster or attack.

On this occasion, many were made anxious when they received a message because it simply asked “Are you affected by the explosion?” without giving information about how close that person was to any potential threat.

People in the US, India, UK, Hawaii and many other places wrongly received warnings. Many shared images of the messages on social networks.

“Unfortunately, many people not affected by the crisis received a notification asking if they were okay,” said Facebook in a statement.

“This kind of bug is counter to our intent,” it added. “We worked quickly to resolve the issue and we apologise to anyone who mistakenly received the notification.”

The problem is the latest in a series that the Safety Check feature has suffered. Last year, Facebook began to use the system more widely after being criticised about when it was employed. Criticism was levelled at it because it was used for the large-scale attacks in Paris but not subsequently for similar-style bombings in Beirut.

Oculus founder delivers first Rift headset in person


The founder of VR (virtual reality) firm Oculus has hand delivered the first Rift headset to a customer.

Palmer Luckey handed over the headset a couple of days before the consumer version of the Rift is officially due to start reaching customers.

The recipient was Ross Martin from Alaska who ordered the headset when pre-orders opened in January.

Mr Luckey said he wanted the “satisfaction” of delivering the first Rift headset.

Special delivery

On 28 March, the consumer-ready Rift headsets should start to reach people who were among the first to order it in January.

Before now the only versions of the headset available were made so developers could familiarise themselves with the software and hardware in the device. The consumer-ready Rift has improved lenses and electronics to make VR as immersive as possible.

Mr Luckey said it was important to him to hand over the headset given that he had been involved in its development since 2009.

“I’ll be damned if some random delivery guy is going to get the satisfaction of delivering the first Rift,” he told game news site Polygon. “That’s mine.”

A video of the handover was posted to Mr Palmer’s page on Facebook. Oculus was bought by Facebook in March 2014 for $2bn (£1.41bn).


Mr Martin said he had no idea that his headset was going to be handed over by Mr Luckey.

He said he received an email saying it would be delivered on Saturday but assumed everyone who pre-ordered got the same message.

It was only when he rang to confirm delivery that he realised who was handing it over.

时间: 2024-10-23 08:11:43



4月1日凌晨,知乎悄然上线了"资讯类内容",并对外宣称发布了"明日头条",意图向移动资讯开始发起进攻.来自知乎内部员工发布的<知乎重磅发布[明日头条],直接促使领结婚证免费>愚人文章中煞有介事地称:"知乎现在正式重磅发布新功能--明日头条,这个划时代新功能将颠覆性地为知乎用户带来全新的内容体验,通过高质量内容的聚合,知乎希望,给世界增加一点颜值." 知乎在这个时候突然推出的"明日头条",着实让人有些惊讶,难道知乎真


今天没有说什么内容,只是对HTML5的细节补充,如HTML结构的可以省略到最大的地步 <!DOCTYPE html><meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>animation</title> 这里是放内容的 没有了基本的结构标签了,浏览器会自动帮我们生成. 还有标签的属性的双引号也可以省略: <input type=text> HTML5让我体验到它在最大化的简化标签,使代码量最小化. 还有调试工具的使用,


整理了一下网易云歌曲评论抓取.分析好友信息抓取.淘宝宝贝抓取.今日头条美图抓取的一些代码 抓取网易云评论 进入歌曲界面: http://music.163.com/#/song?id=453185824 找到如下的数据源: 贴一段Lyrichu的代码: (运行环境为P2.7) # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# @Time : 2017/3/28 8:46# @Author : Lyrichu# @Email : [email protected]# @File : NetClou


这几天的互联网和朋友圈都被一则新闻刷屏了. 那就是今日头条从知乎平台签下了300个高质量的大V,而且签约费比普通的白领要高,签署的协议中规定这些大V们以后不允许在知乎等问答平台输出知识问答,并且每个月要有一定数量的回答,有字数的限定. 这个秘密协议立即在互联网中传播开来,逻辑思维创始人罗振宇转发了该消息并附以"江湖有事"四字评论. 时间倒回至2016年的4月7日,今日头条正式推出"头条问答"时,就被外界认为是在想知乎等问答分享社区发起挑战.紧接着,今年的6月份,&q

20170731 - 今日技能封装 - A

1 服务器简单的理解是什么? 高性能的,能够处理大量级数据的计算机. 2 服务器一般使用什么系统?为什么? Linux:Linux系统安全性比windows高. 3 Windows系统中的ABCD目录相当于Linux系统下的什么? Linux系统无分ABCD盘,只有根目录下引出的各个子目录. 4 Linux系统有盘符? 无(c:) 5 Linux系统下插入U盘,U盘目录在? 挂载点目录mnt下 6 Linux主目录在? /home/username目录下 7 Java一般用于什么开发? 服务器端


我发现很多人都对今日头条引流比较感兴趣,每天都有人在微信上问我做今日头条引流的玩法,我也多多少少的回答了他们. 但是,头条规则改变太快,很多当前有效的玩法,没过多久就失效了.这里说的玩法,是指文章或视频上留微信号的方式.因为只有留了微信号,才能更好的去引流. 但是,除了留微信号之外,更重要的是内容的质量度,比如软文的质量度需要高,别让人家看出来是广告,再比如,视频的质量度,如果播放全程都是广告的话,肯定影响用户体验度.所以,留微信号是一方面,内容的质量度也是一方面. 对于我来说,头条的引流是分为


12道单选,7道不定项选择,2道编程题 一.单选(12题) 1.[单选题]在HTML中,( )可以在网页上通过链接直接打开邮件客户端发送邮件. A.<a href=”telnet:[email protected]”>发送邮件</a> B.<a href=”mail:[email protected]”>发送邮件</a> C.<a href=”mailto:[email protected]”>发送邮件</a> D.<a hre


Python3爬取今日头条有关<人民的名义>文章 最近一直在看Python的基础语法知识,五一假期手痒痒想练练,正好<人民的名义>刚结束,于是决定扒一下头条上面的人名的名义文章,试试技术同时可以集中看一下大家的脑洞也是极好的. 首先,我们先打开头条的网页版,在右上角搜索框输入关键词,通过chrome调试工具,我们定位到头条的search栏调用的的API为: http://www.toutiao.com/search_content/?offset=0&format=json


vue-toutiao 这是用 vue.js 2.0 高仿 今日头条 的移动端项目,结合了原生app的部分功能以及网页版. 前言 本人是 今日头条 的重度用户,在学习vue.js过程中,在GitHub上看到了很多高仿webapp的好项目.由此在有了一定的技术积累后,开始构思使用Vue写今日头条,一是自己对于头条的喜爱,另外也是对于自己学习成果的检验. 技术栈 vue.js 2.0全家桶(vue.vuex.vue-router) axios.jsonp element-ui.iview vue-l