C#基础-事件 继承类无法直接引发基类的事件

An event can be raised only from the declaration space in which it is declared. Therefore, a class cannot raise events from any other class, even one from which it is derived.



namespace BaseClassEvents
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;

    // Special EventArgs class to hold info about Shapes.
    public class ShapeEventArgs : EventArgs
        private double newArea;

        public ShapeEventArgs(double d)
            newArea = d;
        public double NewArea
            get { return newArea; }

    // Base class event publisher
    public abstract class Shape
        protected double area;

        public double Area
            get { return area; }
            set { area = value; }
        // The event. Note that by using the generic EventHandler<T> event type
        // we do not need to declare a separate delegate type.
        public event EventHandler<ShapeEventArgs> ShapeChanged;

        public abstract void Draw();

        //The event-invoking method that derived classes can override.
        protected virtual void OnShapeChanged(ShapeEventArgs e)
            // Make a temporary copy of the event to avoid possibility of
            // a race condition if the last subscriber unsubscribes
            // immediately after the null check and before the event is raised.
            EventHandler<ShapeEventArgs> handler = ShapeChanged;
            if (handler != null)
                handler(this, e);

    public class Circle : Shape
        private double radius;
        public Circle(double d)
            radius = d;
            area = 3.14 * radius * radius;
        public void Update(double d)
            radius = d;
            area = 3.14 * radius * radius;
            OnShapeChanged(new ShapeEventArgs(area));
        protected override void OnShapeChanged(ShapeEventArgs e)
            // Do any circle-specific processing here. 

            // Call the base class event invocation method.
        public override void Draw()
            Console.WriteLine("Drawing a circle");

    public class Rectangle : Shape
        private double length;
        private double width;
        public Rectangle(double length, double width)
            this.length = length;
            this.width = width;
            area = length * width;
        public void Update(double length, double width)
            this.length = length;
            this.width = width;
            area = length * width;
            OnShapeChanged(new ShapeEventArgs(area));
        protected override void OnShapeChanged(ShapeEventArgs e)
            // Do any rectangle-specific processing here. 

            // Call the base class event invocation method.
        public override void Draw()
            Console.WriteLine("Drawing a rectangle");


    // Represents the surface on which the shapes are drawn
    // Subscribes to shape events so that it knows
    // when to redraw a shape.
    public class ShapeContainer
        List<Shape> _list;

        public ShapeContainer()
            _list = new List<Shape>();

        public void AddShape(Shape s)
            // Subscribe to the base class event.
            s.ShapeChanged += HandleShapeChanged;

        // ...Other methods to draw, resize, etc. 

        private void HandleShapeChanged(object sender, ShapeEventArgs e)
            Shape s = (Shape)sender;

            // Diagnostic message for demonstration purposes.
            Console.WriteLine("Received event. Shape area is now {0}", e.NewArea);

            // Redraw the shape here.

    class Test

        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Create the event publishers and subscriber
            Circle c1 = new Circle(54);
            Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(12, 9);
            ShapeContainer sc = new ShapeContainer();

            // Add the shapes to the container.

            // Cause some events to be raised.
            r1.Update(7, 7);

            // Keep the console window open in debug mode.
            System.Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
/* Output:
        Received event. Shape area is now 10201.86
        Drawing a circle
        Received event. Shape area is now 49
        Drawing a rectangle



How to: Raise Base Class Events in Derived Classes (C# Programming Guide)

时间: 2024-10-25 16:45:24

C#基础-事件 继承类无法直接引发基类的事件的相关文章


1.  在创建基类时,若涉及到事件,事件是特殊类型的委托,只可以从声明它们的类中调用,派生类无法直接调用基类中声明的事件,但是在多数情况,会需要允许派生类调用基类事件,这时,可以再包含该事件的基类中创建一个受保护的虚调用方法,通过调用或重写此调用方法,派生类便可以间接调用该事件. 注:不要在基类中声明虚拟事件,也不要在派生类中重写这些事件,C#编译器无法正确处理这些事件,并且无法预知该派生的事件的用户是否真正订阅了基类事件. 和下面的程序示例都来自:https://msdn.microsoft.


提出疑问 当我们新建一个Qt的图形界面的工程时,我们可以看看它自动生成的框架代码,比如我们的主窗口名称为MainWindow,我们来看看mainwindow.cpp文件: MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { } 不同于一般的继承,这里的父类的括号里带有参数,我们通常都使用过不带参数,甚至不带括号的基类名称.这里的基类为什么带着参数呢? C++继承与构造函数

C++ Primer 学习笔记_31_面向对象编程(2)--继承(二):继承与构造函数、派生类到基类的转换 、基类到派生类的转换

C++ Primer 学习笔记_31_面向对象编程(2)--继承(二):继承与构造函数.派生类到基类的转换 .基类到派生类的转换 一.不能自动继承的成员函数 构造函数 拷贝构造函数 析构函数 =运算符 二.继承与构造函数 基类的构造函数不被继承,派生类中需要声明自己的构造函数. 声明构造函数时,只需要对本类中新增成员进行初始化,对继承来的基类成员的初始化调用基类构造函数完成(如果没有给出则默认调用默认构造函数). 派生类的构造函数需要给基类的构造函数传递参数 #include <iostream


在C++primer 第4版的 15章 15.2.5中有下面这样一段提示: "注解:派生类可以恢复继承成员的访问级别,但不能使访问级别比基类中原来指定的更严格或者更宽松." 在vs2010中经过验证,这段话是错误的.具体见以下代码: //Base.h #pragma once #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: Base(void); ~Base(void); size_t size()


开宗明义:不是抽象类的基类不是好基类.为什么这么说? 基类和派生类的关系有如下几种: 基类可以是具体类.虚类和抽象类三种,对派生类没有要求.其中具体类是没有虚函数的类,其所有方法都提供了具体实现:派生类方法如果和基类方法同名,则派生类方法隐藏(overwrite)了基类方法.虚类是包含虚函数的类,所有方法都提供具体实现:派生类如果要提供不同于基类虚方法的实现,则在派生类中提供同名方法,该方法将覆盖(override)基类虚方法.抽象类是包含抽象方法(或称为纯虚方法)的类,抽象方法不提供具体实现,


#include <iostream> using namespace std; class DemoA { public: int m_a; void show(); DemoA(int val); }; DemoA::DemoA(int val) { m_a = val ; } void DemoA::show() { cout<<"ashow: DemoA.m_a="<<this->m_a<<endl; } //-------

C#继承机制 访问与隐藏基类成员

(1) 访问基类成员 通过base 关键字访问基类的成员:   调用基类上已被其他方法重写的方法.  指定创建派生类实例时应调用的基类构造函数.  基类访问只能在构造函数.实例方法或实例属性访问器中进行. 从静态方法中使用 base 关键字是错误的. 示例:下面程序中基类 Person 和派生类 Employee 都有一个名为 Getinfo 的方法.通过使用 base 关键字,可以从派生类中调用基类上的 Getinfo 方法. using System ;public class Person

Part7 继承与派生 7.3基类与派生类类型转换

公有派生类对象可以被当作基类的对象使用,反之则不可. 派生类的对象可以隐含转换为基类对象: 派生类的对象可以初始化基类的引用: 派生类的指针可以隐含转换为基类的指针. 通过基类对象名.指针只能使用从基类继承的成员. //7-3类型转换规则举例 #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Base1{ public: void display() const { cout << "Base1::display()"


一.基类 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Inherit { public class Person { private string _name; private int _age; private int _height; private string _gender; pr