发送邮件时,报postdrop: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by

Linux6.5发送邮件时,异常postdrop: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by


sendmail: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol

App 12838 stdout: sendmail: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only

App 12838 stdout: postdrop: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol

App 12838 stdout: postdrop: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only

App 12838 stdout: postdrop: warning: unable to look up public/pickup: No such file or directory

App 12731 stderr:   Rendered mails/mail_successed.html.erb within layouts/mails (0.5ms)

App 12731 stderr:   Rendered common/_top.html.erb (1.5ms)

App 12731 stderr:   Rendered common/_mail_manage.html.erb (0.9ms)

App 12731 stderr:   Rendered common/_footer.html.erb (0.1ms)


(1)修改#  /etc/postfix/main.cf 这个文件

(2)修改内容: 把inet_protocols = all   修改为inet_protocols = ipv4

(3)报存退出 wq!

(4)重新启动# /etc/init.d/postfix restart使修改生效



时间: 2024-12-05 23:25:06

发送邮件时,报postdrop: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by的相关文章

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