LeetCode_Stack_Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation

150. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation

1. 问题描述:



2. 解决思路:


3. java代码:

public class Solution {
    public int evalRPN(String[] tokens) {

        Stack<String> stack = new Stack<String>();
        for(int i=0;i<tokens.length; i++){
            String token = tokens[i];
            } else {
                int secondNum = Integer.parseInt(stack.pop());
                int firstNum = Integer.parseInt(stack.pop());
                int curResult = 0;
                 if(token.equals("+")) {
                    curResult = firstNum + secondNum;
                } else if(token.equals("/")) {
                        curResult = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                        curResult = firstNum / secondNum;

                } else if(token.equals("-")) {
                    curResult = firstNum - secondNum;
                } else if(token.equals("*")) {
                    curResult = firstNum * secondNum;

        return Integer.parseInt(stack.pop());

    private boolean isOperator(String token){
        if(token.equals("+") || token.equals("-") || token.equals("*") || token.equals("/"))
            return true;
        return false;

4. 算法评估:



时间: 2024-10-28 09:11:25

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