湖南程序设计竞赛赛题总结 XTU 1237 Magic Triangle(计算几何)



Magic Triangle

Problem Description:

Huangriq is a respectful acmer in ACM team of XTU because he brought the best place in regional contest in history of XTU.

Huangriq works in a big company in Guangzhou now, all things goes well but the mosquitos are too disturbing. Mosquito net and mosquito-repellent incense are useless for this mosquito city.

And finally he decides to use magic to kill them. He make a magic regular triangle as the picture shows. While the most proper position to launch magic is not always the center of circle. In order to make everything smoothly, Huangriq needs to get the value of  . And he already get two of them, can you help him to figure out the rest one?


The first line contains a integer T(no more than 10000), which indicates the number of test cases. In the following T lines, each line contains two integers a and b () indicating the two angle Huangriq has already got.


For each test case, output the rest angle‘s value with two digits after a decimal point in one line.

Sample Input

30 30

Sample Output




直线的一般方程为F(x) = ax + by + c = 0。

既然我们已经知道直线的两个点,假设为(x0,y0), (x1, y1),那么可以得到

a = y0 – y1, b = x1 – x0, c = x0y1 – x1y0


F0(x) = a0*x + b0*y + c0 = 0, F1(x) = a1*x + b1*y + c1 = 0


a0*x + b0*y +c0 = a1*x + b1*y + c1


x = (b0*c1 – b1*c0)/D

y = (a1*c0 – a0*c1)/D

D = a0*b1 – a1*b0,(D为0时,表示两直线平行)

二者实际上就是连立方程组F0(x) = a0*x + b0*y + c0 = 0, F1(x) = a1*x + b1*y + c1 = 0的叉积应用

i     j     k

a0   b0   c0

a1   b1   c1

XTU 1237 Magic Triangle





 1 #include<iostream>
 2 #include<cstdio>
 3 #include<cstring>
 4 #include<cmath>
 5 #define PI acos(-1.0)
 6 using namespace std;
 7 struct point
 8 {
 9     double x;
10     double y;
11 };
12 point readpoint(double x,double y)
13 {
14     point c;
15     c.x=x;
16     c.y=y;
17     return c;
18 }
19 point readinsertion(point t0,point t1,point k0,point k1)
20 {
21     point o;
22     double a0,b0,c0,a1,b1,c1,d;
23     a0=t0.y-t1.y;
24     b0=t1.x-t0.x;
25     c0=t0.x*t1.y-t1.x*t0.y;
26     a1=k0.y-k1.y;
27     b1=k1.x-k0.x;
28     c1=k0.x*k1.y-k1.x*k0.y;
29     d=a0*b1-a1*b0;
30     o.x=(b0*c1-b1*c0)/d;
31     o.y=(a1*c0-a0*c1)/d;
32     return o;
33 }
34 double ins(point a,point b)//求向量的模
35 {
36     return sqrt((a.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x)+(a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y));
37 }
38 double dot(point a,point o,point b)//两向量坐标相乘
39 {
40     return (o.x-a.x)*(o.x-b.x)+(o.y-a.y)*(o.y-b.y);
41 }
42 double readAngle(point a,point o,point b)//向量点乘的逆运用
43 {
44     return acos(fabs(dot(a,o,b))/(ins(a,o)*ins(b,o)));
45 }
46 int main()
47 {
48     int t,a,b;
49     cin>>t;
50     while(t--)
51     {
52         cin>>a>>b;
53         double k1,k2,k3;
54         double r;
55         k1=tan((60-a)*1.0/(180/PI));//求两个直线方程的斜率
56         k2=tan((180-b)*1.0/(180/PI));
57         point a,b,c,d,e,o;
58         a=readpoint(1,sqrt(3.0));//建立直角坐标系(A,B,C)
59         b=readpoint(0,0);
60         c=readpoint(2,0);
61         d=readpoint(2,k1*2);//在求一个该直线方程上的点
62         e=readpoint(0,-2*k2);
63         o=readinsertion(b,d,c,e);//求交点
64         r=readAngle(o,a,c)*180/PI;//求夹角
65         printf("%.2lf\n",r);
66     }
67     return 0;
68 }
时间: 2024-08-13 10:44:19

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