
其中,GBA包括HTTP Digest, Pre-Shared Key TLS, IKE with pre-shared secret and a priori any mechanism based on username and password等, SSC assumes that the

entity that needs to be authenticated (one or both partners in the communication) possesses a (public, private) key pair and a corresponding digital certificate. The latter validates the key pair and binds the key pair to its legitimate owner. Well-known protocols
whose authentication is based on (public, private) key pairs include
PGP and HTTP over TLS,

RFC 2818 [5] (the later is commonly called by its protocol identifier, "HTTPS").

GBA给出了一种基于3GPP AKA的应用实现机制,向client和application server提供一个shared secret,该shared secret可以用于认证client和application server之间的通信;GAA还提出了一种新的network element(NE)叫做Bootstrapping Server Function(BSF),UE与HSS之间的认证通过BSF来完成。From the resulting (CK, IK), a session key is
derived in BSF and UE. An application server (called Network Application Function (NAF) in TS 33.220 [2]) can fetch this session key from the BSF together with subscriber profile information. In this way the application server (NAF) and the UE share a secret
key that can subsequently be used for application security, in particular to authenticate UE and NAF at the start of the application session (possibly also for integrity and/or confidentiality protection although that might not be strictly in the scope of
GAA). The communication between the UE and the BSF as well as that between NAF and BSF and between BSF and HSS are application independent and are described in TS 33.220

If only SIM cards or SIMs on UICC is available, and 2G_GBA is allowed, the BSF and UE mutually authenticates using the 2G AKA and TLS protocol.

SSC给出了一种为mobile subscriber动态颁发数字证书的机制;If a mobile subscriber wants to have and make use of a (public, private) key pair, the key pair and a certificate should either be preloaded or the subscriber must have the means to either generate or obtain a key pair
and dynamically obtain a corresponding digital certificate.

为了请求证书,需要用户向home operator的PKI portal发送一个适当的证书请求,该过程即可视为一个mobile application的例子。且该过程需要双方实体的相互认证。如果双方已存在可用的证书,可以用已有证书认证,否则,需要执行GBA来获得一个shared secret并用于认证,最后获取新的证书。As with many mobile applications it requires authentication of the communicating entities, in
this case the UE and the PKI portal (the latter plays the role of the application server). As for any other application there are 2 options for this authentication: pre-shared secret based or based on asymmetric cryptography and certificates. The latter is
only an option when a new certificate is requested from the PKI portal while another still valid certificate is already loaded in the UE. The former method requires a shared secret between the PKI portal and the UE. If the shared secret is not pre-configured,
GBA can be used to obtain such a shared secret.

HTTPS常用于UE和application server之间保护application sesstion安全。It is envisaged that HTTPS (or HTTP/TLS) may be used in a number of services to secure the application session between the UE and the application server (Ua interface in TS 33.220, see TS 33.222 [4]).
TS 33.222 [4] describes the details of the possible authentication options when HTTPS is used between a UE and an application server. Any existing or future application based on HTTPS or Pre-Shared Key TLS can refer to TS 33.222 [4] for details on authentication
and the set up of a secure HTTP session. 此种情形下有四种应用类型:

HTTPS with Authentication Proxy: UE可以通过AP同时连接多个AS,可以节省AV,节省UE需要开启和维护的TLS会话数

HTTPS without Authentication Proxy

Pre-Shared Key TLS:HTTP client和server用GBA实现认证,通过BSF获得的session key被NAF提取作为shared secret,该shared secret可以作为TLS会话中的master secret用于在TLS协议中生成会话密钥。

总结,在LTE的应用层,3GPP给了一个通用的认证架构GAA,通过该架构可以实现独立于application server和authentication proxy的用户和server的相互认证机制,当然,独立的AS可以开发特定的认证方式。总的来说采用GAA可以降低应用开发的复杂性,且该机制可以内置到USIM卡存储中。

时间: 2024-10-12 12:29:52



9月1日整理 简单来说,是一个三方的协议运行过程,但eUTRAN又像一个中转站,中转和封装UE端和MME端发往对方的消息 UE接入LTE网络需要关注三部分交互,整体来看如下(ts23401,p76) 1.UE-eUTRAN,协议架构分为用户层和控制层,此图只显示了控制层协议 2.eUTRAN-MME,协议架构只有控制层 3.此外,UE和MME之间也存在协议,但该协议需要通过eUTRAN,称为RRC协议 考虑UE接入的认证,还需要把HSS与MME之间的协议加进来(ts23401,p79) 比较有意


转载自 控制面协议 控制面协议结构如下图所示. PDCP在网络侧终止于eNB,需要完成控制面的加密.完整性保护等功能. RLC和MAC在网络侧终止于eNB,在用户面和控制面执行功能没有区别. RRC在网络侧终止于eNB,主要实现广播.寻呼.RRC连接管理.RB控制.移动性功能.UE的测量上报和控制功能. NAS控制协议在网络侧终止于MME,主要实现EPS承载管理.鉴权.ECM(EPS连接性管理)idle状态下的移

LTE QOS 一.LTE基本概念 1.LTE架构    2.LTE中的QoS EPS系统中,QoS控制的基本粒度是EPS承载(Bearer),即相同承载上的所有数据流将获得相同的QoS保障(如调度策略,缓冲队列管理,链路层配置等),不


1 网络分流器-移动互联网采集器-TDD-LTE网络结构概述戎腾网络分流器系列之移动互联网采集器: LTE的系统架构分成两部分,包括演进后的核心网EPC(MME/S-GW)和演进后的接入网E-UTRAN.演进后的系统仅存在分组交换域.LTE接入网仅由演进后的节点B(evolved NodeB)组成,提供到UE的E-UTRA控制面与用户面的协议终止点.eNB之间通过X2接口进行连接,并且在需要通信的两个不同eNB之间总是会存在X2接口.LTE接入网与核心网之间通过S1接口进行连接,S1接口支持多-


最近为了成功得到LTE的信号强度,尝试了很多种方法: (1)通过解析signalstrength字符串,但是不同手机设备获得的字符串排列顺序不同,代码如下: private PhoneStateListener phoneStateListener = new PhoneStateListener()   {             public void onSignalStrengthsChanged(SignalStrength ss)           {             su


LTE的初学者,如果你还为LTE的自学而迷茫: LTE的已学者,如果你还在为LTE学习的成效而烦恼的话, 如果你想学好LTE而不是简单地学过LTE, 想让LTE学习更有效果而不是想更省钱的话, 那么,请观看<LTE自学指南>的视频版,让你能赢在LTE. 从此,学好LTE! 点击这里,还可阅读文字版.


未授权频段的LTE英文全名是LTE Advanced in Unlicensed Spectrum,简称LTE-U.在了解高通的这项技术之前,我们先来总结并展望一下如今的移动互联网趋势:智能手机和平板已经普及到千家万户,大家都在这些设备上进行着各种各样的信息通讯和网络连接,从之前的发信息看网页到现在的看视频,我们在智能设备上的网络数据量一直在快速增长,使得现有的网络容量压力倍增.而在未来物联网中,智能家居.汽车等也将和我们的手机进行连接,这种情况也被称为千倍数据量挑战. LTE-U:非授权频段的


[LTE协议栈的两个面] 用户面协议栈——负责用户数据传输 控制面协议栈——负责系统信令传输 用户面主要功能:头压缩.加密.调度.ARQ/HARQ 控制面主要功能: PDCH层完成加密与完整性保护: RLC和MAC层功能与用户面中的功能一致: RRC完成广播.寻呼.RRC连接管理.资源控制.移动性管理.UE测量报告与控制: NAS层完成核心网承载管理.鉴权及安全控制 [用户平面与控制平面协议栈中共有的LTE层2] LTE层2含有三种协议: PDCP(Packet Data Convergence

4G LTE 网只能提供数据服务,不能承载语音通话,该怎么理解?

转: 这个问题要从移动核心网的角度来理解.我们平时说的WCDMA.TD-SCDMA.TD-LTE其实通常指空口技术,即从手机到基站的通信技术.而移动通信的核心控制部分,则由核心网完成--如何在两个基站间建立起语音连接?何时给拨号方返回嘟嘟的线音?何时给接收方发出振铃?如何判断一个用户是否开通了呼叫转移业务,如何实现?如何建立从手机到因特网服务器的数据连接?如何判断用户是3G用户还是LTE用户? 这些都是由移动核心网完成的. 下面来说移