

In your database, the LDAP_DIRECTORY_SYSAUTH initialization parameter has been set to YES and the

users who need to access the database as DBAs have been granted SYSDBA enterprise role in Oracle

Internet Directory (OID). SSL and the password file have been configured. A user SCOTT with the SYSDBA

privilege tries to connect to the database instance from a remote machine using the command:

$ SQLPLUS scott/[email protected] AS SYSDBA

where DB01 is the net service name.

Which authentication method would be used first?

A. authentication by password file

B. authentication by using certificates over SSL

C. authentication by using the Oracle Internet Directory

D. authentication by using the local OS of the database server

Answer: A

在您的数据库, LDAP目录系统授权的初始化参数已经设置为是,需要访问数据库的DBA用户在Oracle 互联网

目录( OID)已被授予SYSDBA的企业角色。 SSL和密码文件已经配置。 拥有SYSDBA权限的用户SCOTT试




时间: 2024-08-02 06:01:57


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