The use of servlet

Servlet is a java code run in the server such as Tomcat.

How to create a servlet?

  1.Create a class extends HttpServlet (or implements the Servlet interface or extends the GenericServlet)

  2.Override the doPost and doGet (if implements the Servlet interface , you should override all the methods : init() service() getServletConfig() getServletInfo() destroy())

  3.Configure the Servlet in the web.xml.

The structure of Servlet:

  javax.servlet.Servlet interface

    ----->  javax.servlet.Genericservlet abstract class

      ------> javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet

        ------> the class extends or implements xxx you defined by yourself

The life-cricle of servlet:

  1.create the servlet and call the init() to initialize the servlet.

  2.process the request via service().

  3.destroy the servlet via destroy() and the garbage collect the servlet.

When we create the serlet , the first access to the servlet will create the object of servlet constructor , then call the init() method . But the init() will be called once.

Importantly , there will start a thread to call the service() . Because the web apps are multi-thread application.

When we access to the server, there will open a new thread to call the service.

The servlet object usually created once and it stays at the memory for a long time.

When the server stop or the servlet object was destroyed the destroy() method will be called.


  if you create the member variables in servlet , may lead to the secure problems.

  So, we should avoid to create member variables in servlet. If must, we should synchronize it.

About doGet() and doPost():

  According to the url, we can find the servlet from the web.xml to call the service(). The service() in HttpServlet is extended from GenericServlet and includes doGet() and doPost().

  Tell from the method name, the service could tell which method to use. And here involves a design pattern: Template method model.


时间: 2024-12-28 08:38:59

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转载请注明原文地址: 一:Servlet是什么 Servlet是运行在Web服务器上的Java程序,作为处理来自 Web 浏览器或其他 HTTP 客户端的请求和 HTTP 服务器上的数据库或应用程序之间的中间层.JSP在web服务器上要先转换成servlet,然后才能在JVM运行,并把结果拼接成浏览器可识别的文件(如html)传回浏览器显示. 二:Servlet的应用场景 单纯地对客户端的请求做处理时,如果我们用纯JSP文件(即:只有Java语句)来处理的话,还需要先转换为servlet才能运行


掌握Servlet API是Java Web的基础. 首先新建一个Web类型的工程,然后再创建Servlet类.而且Servlet类名,要以Servlet作为后缀.--Servlet技术,就在Servlet类中. 然后要运行Servlet,就需要一个容器(JSP也需要),如开源的Tomcat. Tomcat的配置: 下载:




1.在tomcat中新建一个day01web应用,然后在web应用中新建一个web-inf/classes目录:2.在classes目录中新建一个FirstServlet.java文件:package cn.itcastimport*;import javax.servlet.*;public class Firstservlet extends GenericServlet{ public void service(ServletRequest req, ServletRes