Google MapReduce 论文

MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters



Users specify a map function that processes a key/value pair to generate a set of intermediate key/value pairs, and a reduce function that merges all intermediate values associated with the same intermediate key
用户指定一个Map函数用于处理KV键值对,生成一系列的中间结果KV键值对, 一个Reduce函数对中间结果中相同的K值,进行V值合并。

The run-time system takes care of the details of partitioning the input data, scheduling the program’s execution across a set of machines, handling machine failures, and managing the required inter-machine communication
运行间系统会关注以下细节:输入数据分区,程序执行任务调度,处理集群中机器宕机, 处理集群间机器的通信。

1 Introduction

The issues of how to parallelize the computation, distribute the data, and handle failures conspire to obscure the original simple computation with large amounts of complex code to deal with these issues.

hides the messy details of parallelization, fault-tolerance, data distribution and load balancing in a library

Our abstraction is inspired by the map and reduce primitives present in Lisp and many other functional languages

We realized that most of our computations involved applying a map operation to each logical “record” in our input in order to compute a set of intermediate key/value pairs, and then applying a reduce operation to all the values that shared the same key, in order to combine the derived data appropriately
我们意识到,绝大多数的计算操作可以用Map函数作用在输入数据的每一个逻辑记录上, 以此得到一系列的中间KV键值对。然后使用Reduce函数聚合所有相同K的V值。

Our use of a functional model with user specified map and reduce operations allows us to parallelize large computations easily and to use re-execution as the primary mechanism for fault tolerance.
使用函数模型,让用户编写Map和Reduce,让我们能够 轻易的大量并行化,并使用重新运算作为主要的容错机制。

Programming Model

Map, written by the user, takes an input pair and produces a set of intermediate key/value pairs. The MapReduce library groups together all intermediate values associated with the same intermediate key I and passes them to the Reduce function.
Map函数,用户写的,接收KV的输入,输出中间的KV。 然后将相同K的所有V聚合起来,传递给Reduce函数。

The Reduce function, also written by the user, accepts an intermediate key I and a set of values for that key. It merges together these values to form a possibly smaller set of values. Typically just zero or one output value is produced per Reduce invocation
Reduce函数,也是用户写的,接收中间结果的Key I和对应的值集合。 它合并这些值集合得到更小的集合。每次Reduce调用一般只有零个或者一个输出。

2.3 More Examples

Distributed Grep:

Reverse Web-Link Graph:

Term-Vector per Host: 主机检索词向量
hostname : term-vector。hostname就是文档的URL。

Inverted Index:倒排索引
Map函数输出word : documentId
Reduce函数输出word : list(documentId)

Distributed Sort: 分布式排序

3 Implementation

The file system uses replication to provide availability and reliability on top of unreliable hardware.

Users submit jobs to a scheduling system. Each job consists of a set of tasks, and is mapped by the scheduler to a set of available machines within a cluster.

3.1 Execution Overview

Reduce invocations are distributed by partitioning the intermediate key space into R pieces using a partitioning function (e.g., hash(key) mod R)


  1. 用户程序中的MapReduce库首先将输入文件切分为M份,一般是16到64M。 然后启动集群机器上的拷贝程序。
  2. Master选择空闲可用的机器,并将Map任务或者Reduce任务分配给workers。
  3. 分配了Map任务的worker读取相应的切分后的输入数据。它解析出KV键值对,并将每条记录 传递给用户定义的Map函数。产生的中间结果KV键值对缓存在内存中。
  4. 缓冲会定期写到本地磁盘中,通过分区函数分发到R个区域中。 存放地址会被传回给master,然后由master告知分配了Reduce任务的worker。
  5. 当Reduce worker被Master告知地址,就会远程读取中间结果数据。 当读取完所有中间数据,根据K对中间结果进行排序,并分组。 这样相同K值的就会分组到一组了。排序是必要的,如果排序后结果还是太大,要使用外部排序。
  6. Reduce worker遍历有顺序的中间数据,对遇到的每个唯一的K, 它将K和相应的V结果集传递给Reduce函数。并将最终结果输出到对应的分区。
  7. 当所有Map和Reduce任务执行完毕后,唤醒用户程序,并返回结果。

Typically, users do not need to combine these R output files into one file – they often pass these files as input to another MapReduce call, or use them from another distributed application that is able to deal with input that is partitioned into multiple files.

3.2 Master Data Structures

The master keeps several data structures. For each map task and reduce task, it stores the state (idle, in-progress, or completed), and the identity of the worker machine (for non-idle tasks)

3.3 Fault Tolerance

  1. Worker Failure

    The master pings every worker periodically. Any map tasks completed by the worker are reset back to their initial idle state, and therefore become eligible for scheduling on other workers.

    Completed map tasks are re-executed on a failure because their output is stored on the local disk(s) of the failed machine and is therefore inaccessible.
    所有被重新执行的Map任务会被通知到Reduce worker,还未读取中间结果的会更新地址。

    Completed reduce tasks do not need to be re-executed since their output is stored in a global file system.

  2. Master Failure

    It is easy to make the master write periodic checkpoints of the master data structures described above.

    If the master task dies, a new copy can be started from the last checkpointed state.

4 Refinements 优化改进

4.3 Combiner Function 组合器优化改进

Combiner function that does partial merging of this data before it is sent over the network.

When a MapReduce operation is close to completion, the master schedules backup executions
of the remaining in-progress tasks. The task is marked as completed whenever either the primary or the backup execution completes.

The only difference between a reduce function and a combiner function is how the MapReduce library handles the output of the function

5 Performance

5.2 Grep

The overhead is due to the propagation of the program to all worker machines, and delays interacting with
GFS to open the set of 1000 input files and to get the information needed for the locality optimization. 
性能的天花板在于:传播程序到所有的worker机器是,和GFS交互时打开1000个文件, 获取本地优化需要的相关信息。

6 Experience


  • large-scale machine learning problems,
  • clustering problems for the Google News and Froogle products,
  • extraction of data used to produce reports of popular queries (e.g. Google Zeitgeist),
  • extraction of properties of web pages for new experiments and products
    (e.g. extraction of geographical locations from a large corpus of web pages for localized search), and
  • large-scale graph computations

6.1 Large-Scale Indexing 大规模索引

The performance of the MapReduce library is good enough that we can keep conceptually unrelated
computations separate, instead of mixing them together to avoid extra passes over the data. 
This makes it easy to change the indexing process.
MapReduce的性能很好,所以我们能将无关的计算分开。 而不是为了避免数据传输和混杂在一起。这让改变建立索引过程很容易。

时间: 2024-12-02 06:26:05

Google MapReduce 论文的相关文章

Google MapReduce/GFS/BigTable三大技术的论文中译版

今天查找分布式计算的有关资料,发现Google的三大核心技术MapReduce.GFS和BigTable的论文都已经被翻译成高质量的中文,更巧的是,这三篇中译版的原发地都是CSDN的Blog.其中最新的一篇是张凌云在一个月之前发表的MapReduce论文,最早的一篇是Xu Lei发表于2005年11月的GFS论文.         这三篇论文翻译质量相当高,三位译者作出了非常了不起的.实实在在的贡献,真是应该好好感谢他们! 为了方便大家整理,我把三篇论文的地址统一列在这里: MapReduce:

Google MapReduce 中文版

摘要 MapReduce是一个编程模型,也是一个处理和生成超大数据集的算法模型的相关实现.用户首先创建一个Map函数处理一个基于key/value pair的数据集合,输出中间的基于key/value pair的数据集合:然后再创建一个Reduce函数用来合并所有的具有相同中间key值的中间value值.现实世界中有很多满足上述处理模型的例子,本论文将详细描述这个模型. MapReduce架构的程序能够在大量的普通配置的计算机上实现并行化处理.这个系统在运行时只关心:如何分割输入数据,在大量计算

Google MapReduce到底解决什么问题?

很多时候,定义清楚问题比解决问题更难. 什么是MapReduce? 它不是一个产品,而是一种解决问题的思路,它有多个工程实现,Google在论文中也给出了它自己的工程架构实现. MapReduce这个编程模型解决什么问题? 能够用分治法解决的问题,例如: 网页抓取 日志处理 索引倒排 查询请求汇总 … 画外音:能够发现,现实中有许多基于分治的应用需求. 为什么是Google,发明了这个模型? Google网页抓取,分析,倒排的多个应用场景,当时的技术体系,解决不了Google大数据量高并发量的需


Google File System中文版Google Bigtable中文版Google MapReduce中文版


在线PDF查看: Google File System中文版 Google Bigtable中文版Google MapReduce中文版 附件下载:


目录 1.MapReduce定义 2.MapReduce来源 3.MapReduce特点 4.MapReduce实例 5.MapReduce编程模型 6.MapReduce 内部逻辑 7.MapReduce架构 8.MapReduce框架的容错性 9.MapReduce资源组织方式 1.MapReduce 定义 Hadoop 中的 MapReduce是一个使用简单的软件框架,基于它写出来的应用程序能够运行在由上千个商用机器组成的大型集群上,并以一种可靠容错式并行处理TB级别的数据集 2.MapR


最近在看google那篇经典的MapReduce论文,中文版可以参考孟岩推荐的 mapreduce 中文版 中文翻译 论文中提到,MapReduce的编程模型就是: 计算利用一个输入key/value对集,来产生一个输出key/value对集.MapReduce库的用户用两个函数表达这个计算:map和reduce. 用户自定义的map函数,接受一个输入对,然后产生一个中间key/value对集.MapReduce库把所有具有相同中间key I的中间value聚合在一起,然后把它们传递给reduc


转自: 转者注:本来想在Hadoop学习总结系列详细解析HDFS以及Map-Reduce的,然而查找资料的时候,发现了这篇文章,并且发现caibinbupt已经对Hadoop的源代码已经进行了详细的分析,推荐大家阅读. 转自 参考: 1

Hadoop之 - 剖析 MapReduce 作业的运行机制(MapReduce 2)

在0.20版本及更早期的系列中,mapred.job.tracker 决定了执行MapReduce程序的方式.如果这个配置属性被设置为local(默认值),则使用本地的作业运行器.运行器在耽搁JVM上运行整个作业.它被设计用来在小的数据集上测试和运行MapReduce程序. 如果 mapred.job.tracker 被设置为用冒号分开的主机和端口对(主机:端口),那么该配置属性就被解释为一个jobtracker地址,运行器则将作业提交给该地址的jobtracker. Hadoop 2.x引入了