
Free and Open
Source software

Name License Brief info
ADMB BSD nonlinear optimization framework, using automatic
ALGENCAN GPL Fortran code for general nonlinear programming. Interfaces with AMPL,
C/C++, CUTEr, Matlab, Python, Octave and R.
APMonitor BSD MATLAB Toolbox and Python APIs to Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming
ASCEND GPL mathematical modelling system
BOBYQA   An algorithm that seeks the least value of a nonlinear function
subject to bound constraints, without using derivatives of the objective
function. ByMichael
J. D. Powell
. Source code is freely available online.
COBYLA   An algorithm that seeks the least value of a nonlinear function
subject to nonlinear inequality constraints, without using derivatives of
the objective function or the constraints. By Michael J. D.
. Source code is freely available online.
CONDOR GPL Non-linear Continuous Objective Function for small dimension (n<20)
with linear and non-linear constraints. Only the value of the objective
function is used. Stand-Alone C++ code.
GPL integer programming
CUTEr GPL testing environment for optimization and linear algebra solvers
dlib Boost A stand-alone C++ library with a variety of linear and non-linear
solvers for small and large scale problems
GLPK GPL GNU Linear Programming Kit
IPOPT CPL large scale nonlinear optimization for continuous system (requires
JOptimizer Apache
Java library for convex optimization
L-BFGS BSD limited-memory
quasi-Newton method
 optimization; for large scale
Liger LGPL Liger is an open source integrated optimization environment for single
and multi-objective nonconvex problems
LINCOA   An algorithm that seeks the least value of a nonlinear function
subject to linear inequality constraints, without using derivatives of the
objective function. By Michael
J. D. Powell
. Source code is freely available online.
MIDACO BY-NC-ND Global optimization software, Limited Version, MINLP (Matlab, Octave,
Python, C/C++ and Fortran)
MINUIT/MINUIT2 (L)GPL multivariate function minimizer for real-valued functions with
analytic or numerical gradients
NEWUOA   An algorithm that solves unconstrained optimization problems without
using derivatives. By Michael
J. D. Powell
. Source code is freely availableonline.
NLopt LGPL,MIT many algos, many language bindings, global and local optimizers,
derivative-free and gradient-driven
NOMAD LGPL generic black-box (no gradients required) optimization package
OpenOpt BSD free numerical optimization framework in Python
 for solving NLPLPMIPQP,
etc with automatic
OptaPlanner ASL OptaPlanner is a lightweight, embeddable planning engine written in
Java?. It helps normal Java? programmers solve constraint satisfaction
problems efficiently. Under the hood, it combines optimization heuristics
and metaheuristics with very efficient score calculation.
PPL GPLv3 integer programming problems, polyhedra
Scilab CeCILL cross-platform numerical computational package and a high-level,
numerically oriented programming language with free numerical optimization

large-scale optimization, focus on parallel


  • AIMMS — optimization
    modeling system, including GUI building facilities

  • AMPL —
    modelling language for large-scale linear, mixed integer and nonlinear

  • APMonitor — for
    large-scale, nonlinear, differential and algebraic optimization

  • ASTOS — AeroSpace
    Trajectory Optimization Software for launcher, re-entry and generic aerospace

  • BARON — for global
    optimization of algebraic nonlinear and mixed-integer nonlinear problems

  • CPLEX — integer, linear and
    quadratic programming

  • FortMP — integer, linear
    and quadratic programming

  • FortSP — stochastic

  • General
    Algebraic Modeling System

  • Gurobi — integer, linear
    and quadratic programming

  • HillStormer — Nelder–Mead nonlinear
    optimization with linear constraints

     — multidisciplinary design optimization using SHERPA, a hybrid,
    adaptive optimization algorithm.

  • IMSL
    Numerical Libraries
     Linear, quadratic, nonlinear, and sparse QP and
    LP optimization algorithms implemented in standard programming languages C,
    Java, C# .NET, Fortran, and Python.

  • IOSO —
    (Indirect Optimization on the basis of Self-Organization) is a multiobjective,
    multidimensional nonlinear optimization technology

  • Kimeme — an open platform
    for multi-objective optimization and multidisciplinary design

  • Lingo — Linear, integer, nonlinear and stochastic
    programming. Global optimization

  • LIONsolver — an
    integrated software for data mining, modeling, Learning and
    Intelligent OptimizatioN
     and reactive
    business intelligence

  • modeFRONTIER —
    multidisciplinary design optimization, for computer-aided engineering

  • Maple
     — Linear, quadratic, and nonlinear, continuous and integer
    optimization. Constrained and unconstrained. Global optimization with add-on

  • MATLAB — Linear,
    quadratic, and nonlinear problems with Optimization
    ; multiple maxima, multiple minima, and non-smooth optimization
    problems; estimation and optimization of model parameters.

  • Mathematica —
    large-scale multivariate constrained and unconstrained, linear and nonlinear,
    continuous and integer optimization.

  • MIDACO Global
    optimization software based on evolutionary computing, MINLP (Matlab, Octave,
    Python, C/C++ and Fortran)

  • MOSEK — linear, quadratic,
    conic and convex nonlinear, continuous and integer optimization.

  • NAG —
    Linear, quadratic, nonlinear, sums of squares of linear or nonlinear
    functions; linear, sparse linear, nonlinear, bounded or no constraints; local
    and global optimization; continuous or integer problems.

  • Nexus —
    multidisciplinary optimization and design process integration

  • NMath — linear, quadratic
    and nonlinear programming

  • IOSO —
    multidisciplinary design optimization, for computer-aided engineering

  • OptimJ — Java based
    modeling language. Premium Edition includes support for Gurobi, Mosek and
    CPLEX solvers

  • Optimus
     — a process integration and design optimization platform
    developed by Noesis Solutions

  • OptiY - a design
    environment providing modern optimization strategies and state of the art
    probabilistic algorithms for uncertainty, reliability, robustness, sensitivity
    analysis, data-mining and meta-modeling.

  • OptiStruct —
    Award-winning CAE technology for conceptual design synthesis and structural

  • PHX
     — a graphical environment for automation, integration,
    and design optimization.

  • PottersWheel —
    Parameter estimation in ordinary differential equations (Matlab toolbox, free
    for academic use).

  • SmartDO —
    multidisciplinary global design optimization, specialized in computer-aided
    engineering (CAE). using the direct global search approaches.

  • SNOPT — large-scale
    optimization problems.

  • Unscrambler
     product formulation and process optimization software

  • TOMLAB — TOMLAB supports
    global optimization, integer programming, all types of least squares, linear,
    quadratic and unconstrained programming for MATLAB.
    TOMLAB supports solvers like GurobiCPLEXSNOPT and KNITRO.

  • VisSim — a visual block
     language for simulation and optimization of dynamical

  • WORHP — a large-scale
    sparse solver for continuous nonlinear optimization.


  • AIMMS — free for academic

  • AMPL —
    free student license.

  • APMonitor — free for
    academic or commercial use with interfaces to Python and MATLAB.

  • ASTOS — free for academic

  • Galahad
     — free for academic use.

  • LIONsolver — free
    license for academic use.

  • MIDACO Global
    optimization software based on evolutionary computing, MINLP (Matlab, Octave,
    Python, C/C++ and Fortran)

  • MINTO — integer programming
    solver using branch and bound algorithm. Freeware for personal use.

  • OptimJ — Java based
    modeling language. Free Edition includes support for lp_solve, GLPK and LP or
    MPS file formats

  • PottersWheel —
    Parameter estimation in ordinary differential equations (Free Matlab toolbox
    for academic use).

  • SCIP —
    Free only for research purpose as a member of a non-commercial and academic

  • WORHP — free of charge for
    academic use.



时间: 2024-08-02 01:02:19



Python常用的库简单介绍一下fuzzywuzzy ,字符串模糊匹配. esmre ,正则表达式的加速器. colorama 主要用来给文本添加各种颜色,并且非常简单易用. Prettytable 主要用于在终端或浏览器端构建格式化的输出. difflib ,[Python]标准库,计算文本差异 . Levenshtein ,快速计算字符串相似度. Chardet 字符编码探测器,可以自动检测文本.网页.xml的编码. shortuuid ,一组简洁URL/UUID函数库. ftfy ,Uni


iOS开发-常用第三方开源框架介绍(你了解的ios只是冰山一角) 2015-04-05 15:25 2482人阅读 评论(1) 收藏 举报开源框架 图像: 1.图片浏览控件MWPhotoBrowser       实现了一个照片浏览器类似 iOS 自带的相册应用,可显示来自手机的图片或者是网络图片,可自动从网络下载图片并进行缓存.可对图片进行缩放等操作.      下载:https://github.com/mwaterfall/MWPhotoBrowser目前比较活跃的社区仍旧是Github,


iOS开发-常用第三方开源框架介绍 图像: 1.图片浏览控件MWPhotoBrowser 实现了一个照片浏览器类似 iOS 自带的相册应用,可显示来自手机的图片或者是网络图片,可自动从网络下载图片并进行缓存.可对图片进行缩放等操作. 下载:https://github.com/mwaterfall/MWPhotoBrowser 目前比较活跃的社区仍旧是Github,除此以外也有一些不错的库散落在Google Code.SourceForge等地方.由于Github社区太过主流,这里主要介绍一下G


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1      常用操作系统扫描工具介绍 1.1      CIS-CAT [功能] 可以根据不同的操作系统,选择不同的基准进行系统漏洞扫描. [适用对象] Unix/Linux,MS Windows,并且这些系统上装了java 5或以上. 本文主要介绍在Linux下的用法 1.1.1        扫描准备 将工具解压到目标Linux机器上,CIS-CAT扫描Linux机器必须要求机器安装JDK在1.5或以上 可以通过#java -version查看具体的版本号,如果机器上有JDK在1.5以上但

软件介绍(apache lighttpd nginx)

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Parallels Desktop 12最新版软件介绍及版本信息

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Java语言Lang包下常用的工具类介绍_java - JAVA

文章来源:嗨学网 敏而好学论坛www.piaodoo.com 欢迎大家相互学习 无论你在开发哪中 Java 应用程序,都免不了要写很多工具类/工具函数.你可知道,有很多现成的工具类可用,并且代码质量都很不错,不用你写,不用你调试,只要你发现. 在 Apache Jakarta Common 中, Lang 这个 Java 工具包是所有 Apache Jakarta Common 项目中被使用最广泛的,几乎你所知道的名气比较大的软件里面都有用到它,包括 Tomcat, Weblogic, Webs

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