
class _Getch:
    """Gets a single character from standard input.  Does not echo to the screen."""
    def __init__(self):
            self.impl = _GetchWindows()
        except ImportError:
                self.impl = _GetchMacCarbon()
            except AttributeError:
                self.impl = _GetchUnix()
    def __call__(self): return self.impl()
class _GetchUnix:
    def __init__(self):
        import tty, sys, termios # import termios now or else you‘ll get the Unix version on the Mac
    def __call__(self):
        import sys, tty, termios
        fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
        old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
            ch = sys.stdin.read(1)
            termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
        return ch
class _GetchWindows:
    def __init__(self):
        import msvcrt
    def __call__(self):
        import msvcrt
        return msvcrt.getch()
class _GetchMacCarbon:
    A function which returns the current ASCII key that is down;
    if no ASCII key is down, the null string is returned.  The
    page http://www.mactech.com/macintosh-c/chap02-1.html was
    very helpful in figuring out how to do this.
    def __init__(self):
        import Carbon
        Carbon.Evt #see if it has this (in Unix, it doesn‘t)
    def __call__(self):
        import Carbon
        if Carbon.Evt.EventAvail(0x0008)[0]==0: # 0x0008 is the keyDownMask
            return ‘‘
            # The event contains the following info:
            # (what,msg,when,where,mod)=Carbon.Evt.GetNextEvent(0x0008)[1]
            # The message (msg) contains the ASCII char which is
            # extracted with the 0x000000FF charCodeMask; this
            # number is converted to an ASCII character with chr() and
            # returned
            return chr(msg & 0x000000FF)
if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: # a little test
   print ‘Press a key‘
   inkey = _Getch()
   import sys
   for i in xrange(sys.maxint):
      if k<>‘‘:break
   print ‘you pressed ‘,k


时间: 2024-10-08 00:37:24



1 <script type="text/javascript" language=JavaScript charset="UTF-8"> 2 document.onkeydown=function(event){ 3 var e = event || window.event || arguments.callee.caller.arguments[0]; 4 if(e && e.keyCode==27){ // 按 Esc 5 //要


//处理键盘事件 #include"stdafx.h" #include<osg/Switch> #include<osgDB/ReadFile> #include<osgGA/GUIEventHandler> #include<osgViewer/Viewer> class KeyboardHandler :public osgGA::GUIEventHandler//人机交互事件处理器 { public: //重构父类GUIEvent

Python - selenium_WebDriver 鼠标键盘事件

from selenium import webdriver #引入ActionChains类 提供了鼠标的操作方法 from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from ReadTxt_demo import readTxt import time #鼠标键盘事件 ''' ActionChains 常用方法 per


<script type="text/javascript" language=JavaScript charset="UTF-8"> 2 document.onkeydown=function(event){ 3 var e = event || window.event || arguments.callee.caller.arguments[0]; 4 if(e && e.keyCode==27){ // 按 Esc 5 //要做的


转 <script type="text/javascript" language=JavaScript charset="UTF-8"> document.onkeydown=function(event){ var e = event || window.event || arguments.callee.caller.arguments[0]; if(e && e.keyCode==27){ // 按 Esc //要做的事情 } i


<script type="text/javascript" language=JavaScript charset="UTF-8"> document.onkeydown=function(event){ var e = event || window.event || arguments.callee.caller.arguments[0]; if(e && e.keyCode==27){ // 按 Esc //要做的事情 } if(

python 跨平台获取网卡信息和本机ip地址

笔者在项目中遇到过获取本机网卡ip的例子,利用python库psutil解决了此问题. def get_netcard(): """获取网卡名称和ip地址 """ netcard_info = [] info = psutil.net_if_addrs() for k, v in info.items(): for item in v: if item[0] == 2 and not item[1] == '': netcard


from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains import time driver = webdriver.Chrome() driver.get("https://www.baidu.com/") #鼠标事件 """ perform() 执行 ActionChains 类中存储的所有行为 context_click() 右击事件 double_clic


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