a = "aAsmr3idd4bgs7Dlsf9eAF"
请统计a字符串出现的每个字母的出现次数(忽略大小写,a与A是同一个字母),并输出成一个字典。 例 {‘a‘:3,‘b‘:1}
请去除a字符串多次出现的字母,仅留最先出现的一个,大小写不敏感。例 ‘aAsmr3idd4bgs7Dlsf9eAF‘,经过去除后,输出 ‘asmr3id4bg7lf9e‘
a = "aAsmr3idd4bgs7Dlsf9eAF" def fun1_2(x): #1&2 x = x.lower() #大小写转换 num = [] dic = {} for i in x: if i.isdigit(): #判断如果为数字,请将a字符串的数字取出,并输出一个新的字符串 num.append(i) else: #2 请统计a字符串出现每个字母的出现次数(忽视大小写),并输出一个字典。例:{‘a‘:3,‘b‘:1} if i in dic: continue else: dic[i] = x.count(i) new = ‘‘.join(num) print "the new numbers string is: " + new print "the dictionary is: %s" % dic fun1_2(a) def fun3(x): x = x.lower() new3 = [] for i in x: if i in new3: continue else: new3.append(i) print ‘‘.join(new3) fun3(a)
the new numbers string is: 3479
the dictionary is: {‘a‘: 3, ‘b‘: 1, ‘e‘: 1, ‘d‘: 3, ‘g‘: 1, ‘f‘: 2, ‘i‘: 1, ‘m‘: 1, ‘l‘: 1, ‘s‘: 3, ‘r‘: 1}
时间: 2025-01-09 13:19:10