python错误之RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration

C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\python.exe C:/Users/Administrator/PycharmProjects/pythondemo/maptest.pyTraceback (most recent call last):  File "C:/Users/Administrator/PycharmProjects/pythondemo/", line 5, in <module>    for line in maps.keys():RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
# python2中实现遍历的同时删除字典中的元素;python3中运行报错信息:"""C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\python.exe C:/Users/Administrator/PycharmProjects/pythondemo/maptest.pyTraceback (most recent call last):  File "C:/Users/Administrator/PycharmProjects/pythondemo/", line 5, in <module>    for line in maps.keys():RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration"""# maps = {1:"李明",2:"丹尼"}# for line in maps.keys():#     if(line == 2):#         maps.pop(line)# print(maps)

# python3中实现遍历的同时删除字典中的元素maps = {1:"李明",2:"丹尼"}for line in list(maps.keys()):    if(line == 2):        maps.pop(line)print(maps)
时间: 2024-08-01 23:09:26

python错误之RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration的相关文章

python 报错RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration

1 a = {'1':11, '2':0, '3':0} 2 for b in list(a.keys()): 3 if a[b] == 0: 4 del a[b] 5 6 print(a) 报错是因为在字典迭代期间改变字典大小 我们可以通过取出字典的键值,在转化为列表,这样在for循环期间就可以删除了 原文地址:

字典遍历过程中修改字典元素,报错 RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration 原文地址:

Python面试题目之(针对dict或者set数据类型)边遍历 边修改 报错dictionary changed size during iteration

# result 是一个字典, 把里面属性值是None的属性删除 for key in result: if not result[key]: del result[key] continue 但是报错信息如下 RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration # 字典在迭代的时候改变了字典大小 python 遍历一个dict.set类型的同时,并且在改变这个变量的长度或者一边遍历一边修改,这时候就会抛出这错误: 我查了一些资料之后, 

python : dictionary changed size during iteration

1. 错误方式 #这里初始化一个dict >>> d = {'a':1, 'b':0, 'c':1, 'd':0} #本意是遍历dict,发现元素的值是0的话,就删掉 >>> for k in d: ... if d[k] == 0: ... del(d[k]) ... Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> RuntimeE

python-遇到dictionary changed size during iteration

1 c=0 2 f={} 3 jiao={'脚本一':122000,'脚本二':189999, 4 '脚本三':99999,'脚本4':25000000,'jiaoben':126} 5 for i in jiao.values(): 6 c=c+i 7 average=c/len(jiao) 8 for li in jiao.keys(): 9 if jiao[li]>average: 10 del jiao[li] 11 # f.setdefault(li,jiao[li]) 12 prin

flume spoolDirectorySource中的 File has been modified since being read与File has changed size since being read错误

以下内容都为自己浅显的理解,用作备忘的流水账,所以写的比较混乱.如理解有错误,请帮忙指正 FLUME-NG中没有之前的对文件的实时流SOURCE,只提供了spoolDir的source,这个source的功能监控指定文件夹,放入文件夹内的文件不能再做任何修改(包括修改时间和文件大小),这2个错误正是对应这2个 在代码中体现为 org.apache.flume.client.avro.ReliableSpoolingFileEventReader.retireCurrentFile()方法内 1


这篇文章主要介绍了自己编程中遇到的Python错误和解决方法汇总整理,本文收集整理了较多的案例,需要的朋友可以参考下 开个贴,用于记录平时经常碰到的Python的错误同时对导致错误的原因进行分析,并持续更新,方便以后查询,学习.知识在于积累嘛!微笑+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++错误: 复制代码代码如下: >>> def f(x, y):      print x, y  >>> t

python错误 invalid command &#39;bdist_wheel&#39; &amp; outside environment /usr

按照网上说的执行以下命令 sudo pip install --upgrade setuptools sudo pip install --upgrade pip 结果 Not uninstalling setuptools at /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages, outside environment /usr 虽然有下载但更新并不成功应该跟python2/3环境有关执行以下命令 sudo apt-get install python3-pip 解决问题 参考

Python错误:TypeError:&#39;str&#39; does not support the buffer interface

在socket套接字模块进行send和recv方法时出现这种问题,是因为Python3.x和Python2.x版本变化,In python 3, bytes strings and unicodestrings are now two different types. 相互之间需要进行转换decode()和encode(). send()需要的参数为bytes类型,因此需要对str进行encode() recv()返回的是bytes类型,因此我们需要对返回的bytes进行decode()转换为s