







process1  !dumpdomain  *domain1  !dumpdomain  *assembly1  !dumpassembly  *module1  !dumpmodule  *MethodTable1  !dumpmt  1MethodDescription1  !dumpmd   1CodeAddress1  !u  可以看到反汇编代码


(都是使用命令 !help [CommandName] 命令查看帮助所得)(红色部分是我理解不了的,请高手指教)

0:009> !help dumpdomain
!DumpDomain [<Domain address>]

When called with no parameters, !DumpDomain will list all the AppDomains in the process. It enumerates each Assembly loaded into those AppDomains as well. In addition to your application domain, and any domains it might create, there are two special domains: the Shared Domain and the System Domain.

Any Assembly pointer in the output can be passed to !DumpAssembly. Any Module pointer in the output can be passed to !DumpModule. Any AppDomain pointer can be passed to !DumpDomain to limit output only to that AppDomain. Other functions provide an AppDomain pointer as well, such as !Threads where it lists the current AppDomain for each thread.

0:009> !help dumpassembly
!DumpAssembly <Assembly address>

Example output:

0:000> !dumpassembly 1ca248
Parent Domain: 0014f000
Name: C:\pub\unittest.exe
ClassLoader: 001ca060
Module Name
001caa50 C:\pub\unittest.exe

An assembly can consist of multiple modules, and those will be listed. You can get an Assembly address from the output of !DumpDomain.

0:009> !help dumpmodule
!DumpModule [-mt] <Module address>

You can get a Module address from !DumpDomain, !DumpAssembly and other functions. Here is sample output:

0:000> !DumpModule 1caa50
Name: C:\pub\unittest.exe
Attributes: PEFile
Assembly: 001ca248
LoaderHeap: 001cab3c
TypeDefToMethodTableMap: 03ec0010
TypeRefToMethodTableMap: 03ec0024
MethodDefToDescMap: 03ec0064
FieldDefToDescMap: 03ec00a4
MemberRefToDescMap: 03ec00e8
FileReferencesMap: 03ec0128
AssemblyReferencesMap: 03ec012c
MetaData start address: 00402230 (1888 bytes)

The Maps listed map metadata tokens to CLR data structures. Without going into too much detail, you can examine memory at those addresses to find the
appropriate structures. For example, the TypeDefToMethodTableMap above can be examined:

0:000> dd 3ec0010
03ec0010 00000000 00000000 0090320c 0090375c
03ec0020 009038ec ...

This means TypeDef token 2 maps to a MethodTable with the value 0090320c. You can run !DumpMT to verify that. The MethodDefToDescMap takes a MethodDef token and maps it to a MethodDesc, which can be passed to !DumpMD.

There is a new option "-mt", which will display the types defined in a module,and the types referenced by the module. For example:

0:000> !dumpmodule -mt 1aa580
Name: C:\pub\unittest.exe
MetaData start address: 0040220c (1696 bytes)

Types defined in this module

MT TypeDef Name
030d115c 0x02000002 Funny
030d1228 0x02000003 Mainy

Types referenced in this module

MT TypeRef Name
030b6420 0x01000001 System.ValueType
030b5cb0 0x01000002 System.Object
030fceb4 0x01000003 System.Exception
0334e374 0x0100000c System.Console
03167a50 0x0100000e System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle
0336a048 0x0100000f System.GC

0:009> !help dumpmt
!DumpMT [-MD] <MethodTable address>

Examine a MethodTable. Each managed object has a MethodTable pointer at the start. If you pass the "-MD" flag, you‘ll also see a list of all the methods  defined on the object.

0:009> !help dumpmd
!DumpMD <MethodDesc address>

This command lists information about a MethodDesc. You can use !IP2MD to turn a code address in a managed function into a MethodDesc:

0:000> !dumpmd 902f40
Method Name: Mainy.Main()
Class: 03ee1424
MethodTable: 009032d8
mdToken: 0600000d
Module: 001caa78
IsJitted: yes
CodeAddr: 03ef00b8

If IsJitted is "yes," you can run !U on the CodeAddr pointer to see a disassembly of the JITTED code. You can also call !DumpClass, !DumpMT, !DumpModule on the Class, MethodTable and Module fields above.

0:009> !help u
!U [-gcinfo] [-ehinfo] [-n] <MethodDesc address> | <Code address>

Presents an annotated disassembly of a managed method when given a MethodDescpointer for the method, or a code address within the method body. unlike the debugger "U" function, the entire method from start to finish is printed,with annotations that convert metadata tokens to names.

<example output>
03ef015d b901000000 mov ecx,0x1
03ef0162 ff156477a25b call dword ptr [mscorlib_dll+0x3c7764 (5ba27764)] (System.Console.InitializeStdOutError(Boolean), mdToken: 06000713)
03ef0168 a17c20a701 mov eax,[01a7207c] (Object: SyncTextWriter)
03ef016d 89442414 mov [esp+0x14],eax

If you pass the -gcinfo flag, you‘ll get inline display of the GCInfo for the method. You can also obtain this information with the !GCInfo command.

If you pass the -ehinfo flag, you‘ll get inline display of exception info for the method. (Beginning and end of try/finally/catch handlers, etc.).You can also  obtain this information with the !EHInfo command.

If the debugger has the option SYMOPT_LOAD_LINES specified (either by the.lines or .symopt commands), and if symbols are available for the managed module containing the method being examined, the output of the command will include the source file name and line number corresponding to the
disassembly. The -n (No line numbers) flag can be specified to disable this behavior.

<example output>
c:\Code\prj.mini\exc.cs @ 38:
001b00b0 8b0d3020ab03 mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[3AB2030h] ("Break in debugger. When done type <Enter> to continue: ")
001b00b6 e8d5355951 call mscorlib_ni+0x8b3690 (51743690) (System.Console.Write(System.String), mdToken: 0600091b)
001b00bb 90 nop

c:\Code\prj.mini\exc.cs @ 39:
001b00bc e863cdc651 call mscorlib_ni+0xf8ce24 (51e1ce24) (System.Console.ReadLine(), mdToken: 060008f6)
>>> 001b00c1 90 nop

时间: 2024-08-13 23:42:01


Android dump命令查看某个apk是被谁安装的?

adb shell dumpsys package packages > packageAll.txt     ORadb shell pm dump packages > packageAll.txt 然后搜索关键字“installerPackageName” 即可看到被谁安装的,该dump信息也会在bugreport里面 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/onelikeone/p/11192962.html


内容来源于人民邮电出版社<Linux命令应用大词典> 讲述729个命令,1935个例子 学习Linux系统的参考书.案头书,遇到不懂的命令或命令选项一查即可 争取每天都发布内容 本文出自 "airfish2000" 博客,更多命令查看博客: http://airfish2000.blog.51cto.com/10829608/1898990 dump命令 使用dump命令可以检查ext2/3/4文件系统上的文件,并确定哪些文件需要备份.这些文件复制到指定的磁盘.磁带或其他存

SqLite cmd命令 查看SqLiteDatabase

引言: 一直使用Eclipse开发Android.DDMS下有一个explorer可以查看data/data下各应用的数据,其中就包括database.但是这种方法只能导出来看,很不方便,于是就想到直接在adb shell里使用SqLite3命令查看更加方便. cmd命令基础: 常用命令: dir 显示文件列表 cls 清屏 cd 切换目录 ls 显示文件列表,cmd无效,adb 有效 windows应用命令,直接输入应用名字即可打开程序: (列举几个) mspaint打开画图板 notepad

Linux日常运维管理技巧: w命令-查看系统负载、vmstat命令、top命令、sar命令

                              w命令:查看系统负载      w  load average 单位时间内使用cpu活动的活动进程有多少个   查看系统cpu(逻辑cpu)数量   cat /proc/cpuinfo (当我们的进程在单位时间内活动数量不超过我们的系统逻辑cpu数量就是最佳状态, 当我们的进程大于cpu时要注意是什么占用我们的cpu)                                                            

10.6-10.10 监控io性能 free命令 ps命令 查看网络 linux下抓包

七周二次课(3月20日)10.6 监控io性能10.7 free命令10.8 ps命令10.9 查看网络状态10.10 linux下抓包 扩展tcp三次握手四次挥手 http://www.doc88.com/p-9913773324388.htmltshark几个用法:http://www.aminglinux.com/bbs/thread-995-1-1.html 10.6 监控io性能 磁盘状态的两个命令 iostat -x 磁盘使用 iotop  磁盘使用 我们在运维工作中,除了查看内存


基础命令学习目录首页 原文链接:http://mip.xuexila.com/diannao/xitong/linux/3609675.html linux系统下我们可以使用备份命令dump对系统文件进行备份,以免数据丢失.下面由学习啦小编为大家整理了linux下备份命令dump的相关知识,希望大家喜欢! linux备份命令dump详解 语 法: dump [-cnu][-0123456789][-b <区块大小>][-B <区块数目>][-d <密度>][-f <


文章目录 当磁盘大小超过标准时会有报警提示,这时如果掌握df和du命令是非常明智的选择. df可以查看一级文件夹大小.使用比例.档案系统及其挂入点,但对文件却无能为力. du可以查看文件及文件夹的大小. 两者配合使用,非常有效.比如用df查看哪个一级目录过大,然后用df查看文件夹或文件的大小,如此便可迅速确定症结. 做后台开发经常遇到磁盘占满的情况,毕竟不断有日志在生成,不断有文件在备份,如果长时间不管的话,总有一天会占用满. 题主有一天在发布java项目的时候,就发现提示 1 No space


本文和大家分享的主要是linux使用netstat命令查看并发连接数的相关内容,一起来看看吧,希望对大家学习linux有所帮助. netstat -n | awk '/^tcp/ {++S[$NF]} END {for(a in S) print a, S[a]}' 解释: 返回结果示例: LAST_ACK 5 (正在等待处理的请求数) SYN_RECV 30 ESTABLISHED 1597 (正常数据传输状态) FIN_WAIT1 51 FIN_WAIT2 504 TIME_WAIT 105


Linux系统可以通过top命令查看系统的CPU.内存.运行时间.交换分区.执行的线程等信息.通过top命令可以有效的发现系统的缺陷出在哪里.是内存不够.CPU处理能力不够.IO读写过高. 使用SSHClient客户端连接到远程Linux系统.使用top命令查看系统的当前运行的情况.如图对top命令执行的结果做了简单的图解,下面针对每一项做详细的解释.   top命令的第一行"top - 19:56:47 up 39 min,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.0