终结Linked List(一)




void ArrayTest()
    int scores[100];

    scores[0] = 1;
    scores[1] = 2;
    scores[2] = 3;



  • 数组的大小是固定的:数组的规模在编译时就被确定,当然你可以在运行时通过malloc在堆中改变数组的大小,不过很麻烦;
  • 由于上述原因,所以很多人就会定义一个很大的数组,不过这又会导致两个问题:
  • 在数组前面插入元素代价很大,需要移动很多元素。



struct node {
    int data;
    struct node* next;

指向节点的指针类型是struct node*

Build the list {1,2,3} in the heap and store
its head pointer in a local stack variable.
Returns the head pointer to the caller.
struct node* BuildOneTwoThree()
    //there are three pointers in the stack, but pointer assignment link the list.
    struct node* head = NULL;
    struct node* second = NULL;
    struct node* third = NULL;

    //allocate 3 nodes
    head = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
    second = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
    third = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

    head->data = 1;    //setup first node
    head->next = second;   //note:pointer assignment rule

    second->data = 2;    //setup second node
    second->next = third;

    third->data = 3;    //setup third node
    third->next = NULL;

    //at this point, the linked list referenced by "head"
    //matches the list in the drawing.
    return head;


Given a linked list head pointer, compute
and return the number of nodes in the list.
int Length(struct node* head)
    struct node* current = head;
    int count = 0;

    while (current != NULL)
        current = current->next;

    return count;


  • current指针占据的空间会被自动释放,但是堆中的链表仍然保留;
  • while循环已经考虑了空链表的情况;
  • current最后的值会是NULL
void LengthTest()
    struct node* myList = BuildOneTwoThree();
    int len = Length(myList);    //results in len == 3
  • 调用Length()之前:
  • 执行Length()过程中:




struct node* newNode;
newNode = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
newNode->data = data_client_wants_stored;


newNode->next = head;


head = newNode;


void LinkTest()
    struct node* head = buildTwoThree();  //suppose this builds list {2,3}
    struct node* newNode;

    newNode = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));  //allocate
    newNode->data = 1;

    newNode->next = head;   //link next

    head = newNode;   //link head

    //now head points to the list {1,2,3}



void WrongPush(struct node* head,int data)
    struct node* newNode = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

    newNode->data = data;
    newNode->next = head;
    head = newNode;    //NO this line does not work

void WrongPushTest()
    struct node* head = buildTwoThree();  

    WrongPush(head, 1);    //try to push 1 on front -- doesn't work

要改变调用者中int的值,就传一个int*给被调用者。在这个例子中,要改变struct node*,就要传递struct node**。也即:head的类型是pointer to a struct node,想要改变这个指针,就需要传一个指向该指针的指针pointer to a pointer to a struct node
规则就是:to modify caller memory, pass a pointer to that memory.


Takes a list and a data value.
Creates a new link with the given data and pushes it
onto the front of the list.
The list is not passed in by its head pointer.
Instead the list is passed in as a "reference" pointer
to the head pointer -- this allows us to modify the caller's memory.
void Push(struct node** headRef,int data)
    struct node* newNode = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

    newNode->data = data;
    newNode->next = *headRef;   //the * to dereferences back to the real head
    *headRef = newNode;    //ditto

void PushTest()
    struct node* head = buildTwoThree();    //suppose this returns the list {2,3}

    Push(&head, 1);    //note the &
    Push(&head, 13);

    //head is now the list {13,1,2,3}



Push in C++ -- We just add a & to the right hand side of the head parameter type,
and the compiler makes that parameter work by reference. So this code changes the
caller's memory, but no extra uses of * are necessary -- we just access "head" directly,
and the compiler makes that change reference back to the caller.
void Push(struct node*& head,int data)
    struct node* newNode = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

    newNode->data = data;
    newNode->next = head;   //No extra use of * necessary on head -- the compiler
    head = newNode;    //just takes care of it behind the scenes.

void PushTest()
    struct node* head = buildTwoThree();    //suppose this returns the list {2,3}

    Push(head, 1);    //No extra use & necessary -- the compiler
    Push(head, 13);   //takes care of it here too. Head is being changed by these calls. 

    //head is now the list {13,1,2,3}


时间: 2024-10-19 08:40:54

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