filebench - File system and storage benchmark - 模拟生成各种各样的应用的负载 - A Model Based File System Workload Generator

兼容posix 接口的文件系统中我们不仅要测试 posix 接口是否兼容。随机读,随机写,顺序读,顺序写等读写模式下的性能。我们还要测试在不同工作负载条件下的文件系统的性能的情况;Filebench 是一款文件系统性能的自动化测试工具,它通过快速模拟真实应用服务器的负载来测试文件系统的性能。它不仅可以仿真文件系统微操作(如 copyfiles, createfiles, randomread, randomwrite ),而且可以仿真复杂的应用程序(如 varmail, fileserver, oltp, dss, webserver, webproxy )。 Filebench 比较适合用来测试文件服务器性能,但同时也是一款负载自动生成工具,也可用于文件系统的性能。所以filebench 是非常好用文件系统负载生成工具;



Filebench is a file system and storage benchmark that can generate a large
variety of workloads. Unlike typical benchmarks it is extremely flexible and
allows to specify application‘s I/O behavior using its extensive Workload Model
Language (WML). Users can either describe desired workloads from scratch or use
(with or without modifications) workload personalities shipped with Filebench
(e.g., mail-, web-, file-, and database-server workloads). Filebench is equally
good for micro- and macro-benchmarking, quick to setup, and relatively easy to



时间: 2024-08-03 03:01:30

filebench - File system and storage benchmark - 模拟生成各种各样的应用的负载 - A Model Based File System Workload Generator的相关文章


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