
We Need Medicine

Time Limit: 10 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB      Special Judge

A terrible disease broke out! The disease was caused by a new type of virus, which will lead to lethal lymphoedema symptom. For convenience, it was named LL virus.

After several weeks of research, the scientists found the LL virus highly lethal and infectious. But more importantly, it has a long incubation period. Many victims were unaware of being
infected until everything was too late. To prevent from the apocalypse, we need medicine!

Fortunately, after another several weeks of research, the scientists have finished the analysis of the LL virus. You need write a program to help them to produce the medicine.

The scientists provide you N kinds of chemical substances. For each substance, you can either use it exact Wi milligrams in a medicine, or not use it.
Each selected substance will add Ti points of therapeutic effect value (TEV) to the medicine.

The LL virus has Q different variants. For each variant, you need design a medicine whose total weight equals to Mi milligrams and total TEV equals to Si points.
Since the LL virus is spreading rapidly, you should start to solve this problem as soon as possible!


There are multiple test cases. The first line of input contains an integer T indicating the number of test cases. For each test case:

The first line contains two integers N (1 <= N <= 400) and Q (1 <= Q <= 400).

For the next N lines, each line contains two integers Wi (1 <= Wi <= 50) and Ti (1 <= Ti <=

Then followed by Q lines, each line contains two integers Mi (1 <= Mi <= 50) and Si (1 <= Si <=


For each test case, output Q lines. For the i-th line, output the indexes (1-based) of chemical substances in the i-th medicine, separated by a space. If there are multiple
solutions, output any one. If there is no solution, output "No solution!" instead.

Sample Input

3 3
2 10
1 12
1 5
3 15
4 27
3 17

Sample Output

1 3
3 2 1
No solution!



用DP[i][j][k]表示在前 i 个药品中总重量为 j 总权值为 k 的状态,存在=1,不存在=0




转移方程:DP[j] = DP[j] | ( DP[ j-w[i] ] << v[i] )    ( j 始终是从大for到小,滚动数组原理 )





时间: 2024-11-01 22:09:33



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