我们可以看到在Ubuntu SDK中有一个自己的WebView。它没有采用Qt标准的Webkit库。在Ubuntu上,我们对下面的引擎做了很多的优化(oxide引擎),这样使得我们的WebView性能更加优越。
import QtQuick 2.0 import Ubuntu.Components 1.1 import Ubuntu.Web 0.2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 /*! \brief MainView with a Label and Button elements. */ MainView { // objectName for functional testing purposes (autopilot-qt5) objectName: "mainView" // Note! applicationName needs to match the "name" field of the click manifest applicationName: "browser.liu-xiao-guo" /* This property enables the application to change orientation when the device is rotated. The default is false. */ //automaticOrientation: true // Removes the old toolbar and enables new features of the new header. useDeprecatedToolbar: false width: units.gu(100) height: units.gu(75) Page { title: i18n.tr("") RowLayout { id:toolbar anchors.top: parent.top width: parent.width height: units.gu(8) spacing: units.gu(1) Icon { id: back anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter name: "go-previous" height: input.height width: height visible: webview.canGoBack MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: webview.goBack(); } } Icon { id: forward anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter name: "go-next" height: input.height width: height visible: webview.canGoForward MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: webview.goForward(); } } TextField { id: input anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter height: parent.height - units.gu(1) Layout.maximumWidth: parent.width Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width - back.width - forward.width text: "http://www.baidu.com" onAccepted: { webview.url = input.text } } } WebView { id: webview anchors.top: toolbar.bottom height: parent.height - toolbar.height width: parent.width url: "http://www.baidu.com" } } }
import Ubuntu.Web 0.2
整个项目的源码在:git clone https://gitcafe.com/ubuntu/browser.git
时间: 2024-10-13 08:16:49