How to get all the members in user group by using LDAP in Perl?

About LDAP:

LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. It is usually used to fetch (and sometimes update) data in a directory of people.

Using Net::LDAP module in Perl can provide a way to interact with this database.

Perl script to get this:

#! /usr/bin/perl

# Owner: Rebecca

# Creation date: 2014-12-29

# Usage:

# ./ > yourfile.scv

use strict;

use Win32;

use Win32::OLE;

use Net::LDAP;

use warnings;

sub getmembersingroup


(my $subldap, my $groupname) = @_;

#************************************Get distinguished name by using group name*****************************************

my $mesg = $subldap->search(

base => "dc=global,dc=ds,dc=company,dc=com",

filter => "(&(CN=".$groupname."))",




print $mesg->error, "\n";



my @entries = $mesg->entries;

my $distinguishedName;

foreach my $entry(@entries)


$distinguishedName = $entry->get_value("distinguishedName");


#**********************Get members by using the newly got distinguished Name*********************************************

$mesg = $subldap->search(

base => $distinguishedName,

scope => "sub",

filter => "(&(objectClass=*))",


@entries = $mesg->entries;

my $entry;

foreach $entry(@entries)


my @member = $entry->get_value("member");

foreach (@member)


my $line = $_;

my $para = $line;

my $string_dl = "OU=Distribution Lists";

$line =~ /DC=(.*?),/;

my $str_domain = $1;

if (!/$string_dl/)


#--------------get the account name and domain name---------------------

my $str_obj = Win32::OLE->GetObject("LDAP://".$para) or die "[email protected]";

my $status_able = "disabled";

if ($str_obj->{accountdisabled} eq 0)


$status_able = "enabled";


$str_obj->{displayName} =~ s/\,//g; # remove the , in the name

print "$str_obj->{displayName},$str_obj->{sAMAccountName},$str_domain,$status_able \n" ;




#it is a DL need to get the members inside

$line = ~/CN=(.*?),/;

my $sub_group_name = $1;






my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new(‘‘) or die "[email protected]";

my $mesg = $ldap->bind(‘[email protected]‘,password =>"youraccountpassword");



print $mesg->error, "\n";


&getmembersingroup($ldap, "GroupName");

时间: 2025-01-08 13:20:03

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