UPenn - Robotics 5:Robotics: Estimation and Learning - week 1:Gaussian Model Learning



This is an example

of a camera called a Ladybug in two versions of the black and the red one.

Which is an array of cameras capturing panoramic views and

producing panoramic videos.

The Kinect is a camera that you have seen on the Xbox 360 and this is

really capturing a depth [INAUDIBLE] and can estimate the skeleton of your body.

This is something called the laser scanner, a Hokuyo,

which is just a very high accurately version of a radar and

such versions exist in today‘s driverless cars.

This another example of a stereo camera both from the left and on the right.

And the stereos cameras are probably the most similar cameras

to the human telescopic visual system



时间: 2024-12-10 00:56:07

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