Admob IDFA 无法提交AppStore审核的解决方法

最近加入Admob 广告,发现提交AppStore 审核时,无法通过,如图,不停的查Google,搞了一个通宵,最终还是解决了,先看问题,最后给出答案。

Submit for Review


Export Compliance

Have you added or made changes to encryption features since your last submission of this app?

Export laws require that products containing encryption must be properly authorized for export. Failure to comply could result in severe penalties. Learn more about export requirements.



Content Rights

Does your app contain, display, or access third-party content?



Do you have all necessary rights to that content or are you otherwise permitted to use it under the laws of each App Store territory in which your app is available?



Advertising Identifier

Does this app use the Advertising Identifier (IDFA)?

The Advertising Identifier (IDFA) is a unique ID for each iOS device and is the only way to offer targeted ads. Users can choose to limit ad targeting on their iOS device.

If your app is using the Advertising Identifier, check your code—including any third-party code—before you submit it to make sure that your app uses the Advertising Identifier only for the purposes listed below and respects the Limit Ad Tracking setting. If
you include third-party code in your app, you are responsible for the behavior of such code, so be sure to check with your third-party provider to confirm compliance with the usage limitations of the Advertising Identifier and the Limit Ad Tracking setting.

This app uses the Advertising Identifier to (select all that apply):

Serve advertisements within the app

Attribute this app installation to a previously served advertisement

Attribute an action taken within this app to a previously served advertisment

If you think you have another acceptable use for the Advertising Identifier, contact us.

Limit Ad Tracking setting in iOS

I, Huang Qianqing, confirm that this app, and any third party that interfaces with this app, uses the Advertising Identifier checks and honors a user‘s Limit Ad Tracking setting in iOS and, when it is enabled by a user, this app does not use Advertising Identifier,
and any information obtained through the use of the Advertising Identifier, in any way other than for "Limited Advertising Purposes" as defined in the iOS Developer Program License Agreement.



Ensure that you select the correct answer for Advertising Identifier (IDFA) usage. If your app does contain the IDFA and you select No, the binary will be permanently rejected and you will have to submit a different binary.


随便传个包上去,然后拒绝掉,重新prepare to upload。就会出现选项。对应选择就好了。


另外,Admob 只需要选第一个选项,如图,不懂其他两项是什么意思,Google搜索到的。

时间: 2024-10-05 22:53:49

Admob IDFA 无法提交AppStore审核的解决方法的相关文章


此文刚刚上了CocoaChina的首页:那些年提交AppStore审核踩过的坑  欢迎围观,谢谢大家支持. //add by 云峰小罗,2016.08.04 做iOS开发近5年了,每次提交版本时不可谓不小心翼翼,如履薄冰,但是还是难免踩到了一些坑.苹果的官方文档(AppStore审核条款)这里就不罗列了,太冗长繁琐了,而且大部分是一般app都不会触碰的到的,今天我主要想以自己的亲身经历,跟大家回顾一下这些年我提交AppStore审核时踩过的坑,并且针对如何避免给出一些tips供大家参考.大神请忽


常见表单重复提交问题整理及解决方法 一.常见的重复提交问题 a>点击提交按钮两次. b>点击刷新按钮. c>使用浏览器后退按钮重复之前的操作,导致重复提交表单. d>使用浏览器历史记录重复提交表单. e>浏览器重复的HTTP请求. 二.防止表单重复提交的方法 a>禁掉提交按钮.表单提交后disabled现在的按钮或者取消该按钮的点击事件或者默认事件.这种方法防止心急的用户多次点击按钮.但有个问题,如果在客户端把Javascript给禁止掉,这种方法就无效了,当然现代的w


表达重复提交的问题,是B/S系统开发中经常容易被忽视,但常常又令程序员头疼的一个问题.根据墨菲定律,如果你不做防止重复提交的机制,那些用户行为往往就会给你带来麻烦,然后就等着产品经理的抱怨吧.下面,我就总结了几条常见的关于B/S系统中防止表单重复提交的几个办法: 1.页面上控制.怕用户点击提交按钮2次?用javascript控制下吧:怕用户后退导致重复提交?那就干脆打开个新页面吧.总之你要设想到用户在页面上的所有可能的操作,把这些容易导致BUG的操作消灭的萌芽中. 2.session控制.如果实


在开发工作共我们往往会遇到一个表单需要包含多个action不同的提交动作,这时候就不能在使用submit按钮来进行提交了,下面提供通过js来实现这一功能的方法 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8      < form name = "demo" method = "post" > <!--YOUR DATA AREA--> < input type = "button" value = "添加" o


在开发工作共我们往往会遇到一个表单需要包含多个action不同的提交动作,这时候就不能在使用submit按钮来进行提交了,下面提供通过js来实现这一功能的方法 <form name="demo" method="post"> <!--YOUR DATA AREA--> <input type="button" value="添加" onclick="addAction()"&g


相信刚開始学习使用SVN的小伙伴在项目合作开发的过程中一定常常遇到一些影响到自己编写的代码的苦恼.我这里列举了几种常见的问题以及问题的解决方法: 1.误删除和误操作的问题 问题1:有A和B两个人一块合作写项目的时候,B在写代码的时候不小心更改了A写的代码文件的内容提交到了仓库,A该怎样找回自己原来的代码呢? 解决方法: 右键点击被改动的文件---->点击TortoiseSVN选项----->点击Show log选项,会出现如图所看到的的窗体, watermark/2/text/aHR0cDov


相信刚开始学习使用SVN的小伙伴在项目合作开发的过程中一定经常遇到一些影响到自己编写的代码的苦恼,我这里列举了几种常见的问题以及问题的解决方法: 1.误删除和误操作的问题 问题1:有A和B两个人一块合作写项目的时候,B在写代码的时候不小心更改了A写的代码文件的内容提交到了仓库,A该如何找回自己原来的代码呢? 解决方法: 右键点击被修改的文件---->点击TortoiseSVN选项----->点击Show log选项,会出现如图所示的窗口, 然后右键点击A的记录--->点击Revert t


拒绝原因: Additionally, we found that your app requires the installation of another app before it can be used, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines. Apps should be able to run on launch, without requiring additional application


解决方法 用 URLSearchParams 传递参数 let param = new URLSearchParams() param.append('username', 'admin') param.append('pwd', 'admin') axios({ method: 'post', url: '/api/lockServer/search', data: param }) 参考文章: