How JSP work.

A JSP page exists in three forms:

  • JSP source code:
    • consists of a mix of HTML template code.

    • Java language statements.

    • JSP directives and actions that describe how to generate a Web page to
      service a particular request.

  • Java source code.

  • Compiled Java class.

Figure 5-1 illustrates the process used by
the JSP container.


  When a request for a JSP page is made, the container first determines
the name of the class corresponding to the .jsp file.

  If the class doesn’t exist or if it’s older than the.jsp file (meaning the
JSP source has changed since it was last compiled),

then the container creates Java source code for an equivalent servlet
and compiles it.

  If an instance of the servlet isn’t already running,

the container loads the servlet class and creates an instance.

  Finally, the container dispatches a thread to handle the current HTTP
request in the loaded instance.

How JSP work.

时间: 2024-11-05 06:30:14

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关于tomcat JSP虚拟目录的这点事儿!

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