Matlab norm 用法小记

Matlab norm 用法小记

matlab norm (a) 用法以及实例

norm(A,p)   Returns sum(abs(A).^p)^(1/p), for any 1 <= p <= ∞.
norm(A)    Returns norm(A,2)
norm(A,inf)   Returns max(abs(A)).
norm(A,-inf)   Returns min(abs(A)).

n = norm(A) returns the largest singular value of A, max(svd(A))
n = norm(A,1) The 1-norm, or largest column sum of A, max(sum(abs(A)).
n = norm(A,2) The largest singular value (same as norm(A)).
n = norm(A,inf) The infinity norm, or largest row sum of A, max(sum(abs(A‘)))
n = norm(A,‘fro‘) The Frobenius-norm of matrix A, sqrt(sum(diag(A‘*A))).


Vector and matrix norms


  • n = norm(A)
    n = norm(A,p)


The norm of a matrix is a scalar that gives some measure of the magnitude of the elements of the matrix. The norm function calculates several different types of matrix norms:

n = norm(A) returns the largest singular value of Amax(svd(A)).

n = norm(A,p) returns a different kind of norm, depending on the value of p.

If p is... Then norm returns...
1 The 1-norm, or largest column sum of Amax(sum(abs(A)).
2 The largest singular value (same as norm(A)).
inf The infinity norm, or largest row sum of Amax(sum(abs(A‘))).
‘fro‘ The Frobenius-norm of matrix Asqrt(sum(diag(A‘*A))).

When A is a vector:

norm(A,p) Returns sum(abs(A).^p)^(1/p), for any 1 <= p <= .
norm(A) Returns norm(A,2).
norm(A,inf) Returns max(abs(A)).
norm(A,-inf) Returns min(abs(A)).


Note that norm(x) is the Euclidean length of a vector x. On the other hand, MATLAB uses "length" to denote the number of elements n in a vector. This example uses norm(x)/sqrt(n) to obtain the root-mean-square (RMS) value of an n-element vector x.

  • x = [0 1 2 3]
    x =
         0     1     2     3
    sqrt(0+1+4+9)   % Euclidean length
    ans =
    ans =
    n = length(x)   % Number of elements
    n =
    rms = 3.7417/2  % rms = norm(x)/sqrt(n)
    rms =
时间: 2024-10-05 17:31:26

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转至: 目录: 一.说明 二.数据类型及基本输入输出 三.流程控制 四.循环 五.数组.数组运算和矩阵运算 六.M脚本文件和M函数文件.函数句柄 七.文件 八.数据和函数的可视化 一.说明 matlab作为数学软件有其强大的图形用户界面操作.数据和函数的可视化和数值计算功能,且自带很多现有的函数和工具包.而本文只涉及一些比较系统的基本操作,在最后附带介绍一些基本的数据和函数的可视化命令.建议要