Android Studio 1.0RC1版发布

Android Studio 1.0RC1 版本发布。


Android Studio 1.0 Release Candidate 1

November 20th, 2014: For information on what‘s new in
1.0 RC1, see the release announcement.


The release is available in the canary channel, so you can check for updates via
Help > Check for Update... (on OSX, look in the Android Studio menu). This will download and install a patch rather than download a full IDE image. For
all older other versions you will need to install it from scratch by installing one of the below .zip files.

On Windows, please try our new installer: (248

To install Android Studio manually:

Windows: (235

Mac: (234

Linux: (233



Android Studio 1.0 Release Candidate 1 released

posted an hour ago by Tor Norbye
  [ updated 42 minutes ago ]

We‘ve just released Android Studio 1.0 Release Candidate 1 to the canary channel. Yes, that means we‘re getting close to a 1.0 release! In this release there are a number of bug fixes.

We‘ve also updated the splash screen and branding graphics to include our new logo, and the settings directories for the IDE have been updated from AndroidStudioBeta to just AndroidStudio. When you run this
version for the first time, it should offer to import your settings from the beta settings directory.

Finally, we are now bundling a local Maven repository containing the Android Gradle plugin and all its dependencies, which should allow you to create new projects
without a network connection. (This is also why this patch is fairly large).


This version is only available in the canary channel for now. For Windows you can also download and test our new installer. Visit the Canary
 page for download links.


If you run into problems, be sure to check the Known Issues page which we‘ll
update as necessary

以下网盘地址可下载目前官网上的所有Android Studio版本:

时间: 2024-08-01 21:12:33

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