Virtual Box VM network configuration - Virtual Box VM 配置上网


Network: company

Host: DHCP

Host NIC bridge: disabled

Network access: limited


Based on that, it might not be possible to set the VM to access Internet, & visible to host at the same time.


1. Set the VM IP to "DHCP"

vi /etc/network/interfaces

Set the VM‘s NIC in Virtual Box as 网络地址转换(NAT)

Reboot VM.

Now VM can access public Internet via host‘s NIC. But host cannot access VM. You can use apt-get now.


2. Set the VM IP to "static", make it in the same domain as VBox‘s NIC in host

Set the VM‘s NIC in Virtual Box as 仅主机(Host-Only)网络

Reboot VM.

Now VM cannot access Internet, but host can ping this VM‘s IP. You can do your dev work using this VM now.

时间: 2024-10-14 01:46:17

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