Reading Csv Files with Text_io in Oracle D2k Forms

Below is the example to read and import comma delimited csv file in oracle forms with D2k_Delimited_String package. This package is available in D2kdlstr.pll library.

To download D2kdlstr.Pll Click Here

Create the following procedure in program unit of Oracle forms.

Procedure Import_csv_file (I_FILENAME IN VARCHAR2) Is
   -- Text File Type
   Infile        Text_Io.File_Type;
   Linebuf       Varchar2 (4000);
   V_Getstring   Varchar2 (100);

-- Field Values Array
   Type Fieldvalue Is Table Of Varchar2(100)
      Index By Binary_Integer;

Fv            Fieldvalue;
   Rec_Count Number := 0;
   Infile := Text_Io.Fopen (I_FILENAME, ‘R‘);
   -- Read File

           Rec_Count := Rec_Count + 1;
      Text_Io.Get_Line (Infile, Linebuf);
      Linebuf := Linebuf || ‘,‘;
         -- read from 1 to number of occurrences of comma or any other delimiter 
         -- below giving example for 3 occurrences
         For I In 1 .. 3
            Fv (I) := D2k_Delimited_String.Getstring (Linebuf, I, False, ‘,‘);
         End Loop;

            Insert Into yourtable (col1, col2, col3) 
                                    Values ( Fv(1), Fv(2), Fv(3));

            When Others
               Message (Sqlerrm);
   End Loop;

Text_Io.Fclose (Infile);
   When No_Data_Found Then
   -- End Of The Text File Reached.... Then Save...
--  Message(Sqlerrm);
      Text_Io.Fclose (Infile);
      Message (‘Import Completed.‘);
   When Others Then
      Text_Io.Fclose (Infile);

See also:

Reading CSV Files in Oracle Forms

Reviewed by Marian Burn on

Feb 25


时间: 2024-12-18 13:20:00

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第一种方法 1.选择工具---文本导入器 2.选择 到oracle的数据选择所有者和表. 3.选择打开文件,选择要导入的文本 4.在field中配置表的对应关系,filed1对应的是.csv中的第一列,配置对应数据的那一列,注意类型,不然导入数据会报错.之后点导入,完成. 第二种方法 1.创建控制文件 如,在E:\创建 test.ctl文件,文件内容为 load data ---控制文件标志 infile'e:/asd.csv'---要输入的文件名及路径 into tablejyzxsj_rdl