---==============查看数据库表的容量大小========start================================?============ Create Table #TableSpaceInfo --创建结果存储表 ( NameInfo NVarchar(50) , RowsInfo int , Reserved NVarchar(20) , DataInfo NVarchar(20) , Index_Size NVarchar(20) , Unused NVarchar(20) ) Declare @TableName NVarchar(255) --表名称 Declare @CmdSql NVarchar(1000) Declare Info_Cursor Cursor For Select o.Name From dbo.sysobjects o Where objectProperty(o.ID, N‘IsTable‘) = 1 and o.Name not like N‘#%%‘ Order By o.Name Open Info_Cursor Fetch Next From Info_Cursor Into @TableName While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 Begin If exists (Select * From dbo.sysobjects Where ID=object_ID(@tablename) and objectProperty(ID, N‘IsUserTable‘) = 1) Execute sp_executesql N‘Insert Into #TableSpaceInfo Exec sp_Spaceused @TBName‘, N‘@TBName NVarchar(255)‘, @TBName = @TableName Fetch Next From Info_Cursor Into @TableName End Close Info_Cursor Deallocate Info_cursor GO --itlearner注:显示数据库信息 sp_spaceused @UpdateUsage = ‘TRUE‘ --itlearner注:显示表信息 Select * From #TableSpaceInfo Order By cast(left(lTrim(rTrim(Reserved)) , len(lTrim(rTrim(Reserved)))-2) As Int) Desc Drop Table #TableSpaceInfo ---================查看数据库表的容量大小=====end========================?==========================
时间: 2024-12-10 02:57:18