leetcode_383 Number of Segments in a String(String)

Count the number of segments in a string, where a segment is defined to be a contiguous sequence of non-space characters.

Please note that the string does not contain any non-printable characters.


Input: "Hello, my name is John"
Output: 5数一个字符串中的分段数
public class Solution {
    public int countSegments(String s) {
        int ans=0;
        for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++){
            if (s.charAt(i)!=‘ ‘&&(i==0||s.charAt(i-1)==‘ ‘)){
        return ans;


class Solution(object):
    def countSegments(self, s):
        :type s: str
        :rtype: int
        return len(s.split())
时间: 2024-08-27 03:07:17

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