Coursera Algorithms week4 基础标签表 练习测验:Check if a binary tree is a BST


Given a binary tree where each  ???????? contains a key, determine whether it is a binary search tree. Use extra space proportional to the height of the tree.



 1 public boolean isBST(BST<Key,Value> bst){
 2     return isBST(root);
 3 }
 4 private boolean isBST(Node x){
 5     if(x.left.key.compareTo(x.key) != -1) return false;
 6     if(x.key.compareTo(x.right.key)!= -1) return false;
 7     if(x.left != null ) return isBST(x.left);
 8     if(x.right != null ) return isBST(x.right);
 9     return true;
10 }
时间: 2024-10-10 19:58:06

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