TCP/IP Protocol Family

The TCP/IP family consists of the following protocols:

Link layer:

  • ARP: Address Resolution Protocol: Map IP to hardware (e.g. Ethernet) addresses
  • RARP: Reverse ARP: Map hardware (e.g. Ethernet) to IP addresses

Link layer (serial line):

  • CSLIP: Compressed Serial Line IP: Compressing TCP/IP Headers for Low-Speed Serial Links (RFC 1144), obsolete
  • PPP: The Point-to-Point Protocol
  • PPP-MP: The Point-to-Point Multilink Protocol
  • SLIP: Serial Line IP: Transmission of IP datagrams over serial lines (RFC 1055), obsolete

Network layer:

  • IP: Internet Protocol (version 4): transfer IP packets from one host to another. One of the most common protocols today. This is what the Internet is built around.
  • IPv6: Internet Protocol (version 6): transfer IP packets from one host to another
  • ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol (version 4): This is a protocol to report common errors and events in the IPTCP and UDP protocols.
  • ICMPv6: Internet Control Message Protocol (version 6): This is a protocol to report common errors and events in the IPv6TCP and UDP protocols.
  • IGMP: IP multicasting

Network layer (routing):

  • BGP: Border Gateway Protocol
  • EGP: Exterior Gateway Protocol
  • GGP: Gateway to Gateway Protocol
  • IGRP: Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
  • ND: Neighbor Discovery
  • OSPF: Open Shortest Path First
  • RIP: Routing Information Protocol
  • RIPng: Routing Information Protocol next generation
  • DSR: Dynamic Source Routing (Ad-hoc protocol)

Network Layer (IPsec Internet Protocol Security):

  • AH: Authentication Header
  • ESP: Encapsulating Security Payload

Transport layer:

  • These protocols run atop IP:
  • DCCP: Datagram Congestion Control Protocol: stream based, reliable, connection oriented transfer of data
  • SCTP: datagram (packet) based, reliable, connection oriented transfer of data
  • UDP: User Datagram Protocol: datagram (packet) based, unreliable, connectionless transfer of data
  • UDP-Lite: Lightweight User Datagram Protocol: datagram (packet) based, unreliable, connectionless transfer of data
  • TCP: Transmission Control Protocol: stream based, reliable, connection oriented transfer of data
  • PortReferenceTCP/UDP port numbers ThTextese protocols run atop UDP, and provide additional transport-layer services:
  • RTP: datagram (packet) based, unreliable, connection oriented transfer of time sensitive data
  • RTCP: RTP‘s control protocol

Session layer:

  • NetBIOS: an API and several protocols providing various networking services.
  • NetDump: a simple protocol for capturing crashed operating system memory cores over a network
  • ONC-RPC: Remote procedure calls using Sun‘s RPC mechanism
  • DCE/RPC: Remote procedure calls using the OSF‘s RPC mechanism
  • HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol: (and other files as well). Probably the best known protocol as it is used to allow users surfing on the Internet.
  • SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol: send mails to a mail server

Presentation layer:

  • MIME: content encoding (for HTTPSMTP, ...) (RFC 2045-2049)

Application layer:

  • ANCP: Access Node Control Protocol: TCP based L2 control protocol used in service provider DSL and PON Networks.
  • BOOTP: BOOT Protocol: antecessor of DHCP, see bellow
  • DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol: distribute IP, Gateway and DNS server addresses and alike
  • DNS: Domain Name System: translate human readable addresses (e.g. into IP addresses
  • FTP: File Transfer Protocol: file transfer (unsecure)
  • IMAP: retrieve mails from a mail server
  • iWARP-DDP: Direct Data Placement (part of the iWARP protocol stack)
  • iWARP-MPA: Marker PDU Aligned Framing: adaptation layer between TCP and DDP (part of the iWARP protocol stack)
  • iWARP-RDMAP: Remote Direct Memory Access Protocol (part of the iWARP protocol stack)
  • NNTP: Network News Transfer Protocol: news transfer
  • NTP: Network Time Protocol: sychronize time between hosts
  • PANA: Protocol for Carrying Authentication for Network Access: user authentication for network access
  • POP: Post Office Protocol: receive mails from a mail server
  • RADIUS: remote user authentication and accounting
  • RLogin: remote login: remote shell access (unsecure)
  • RSH: Remote SHell: remote shell access (unsecure)
  • RSIP: Realm Specific IP (RFC 3102-3104)
  • SSH: Secure SHell: encrypted remote shell access
  • SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol: network management (RFC 1157,1901-10,2271-75)
  • Telnet: remote shell access (unsecure) (RFC 854,855,1700)
  • TFTP: Trivial File Transfer
  • SASP: Server/Application State Protocol (RFC 4678)


  • URN: Uniform Resource Names (RFC 1737)
  • URL: Uniform Resource Locators (RFC 1738)
时间: 2024-08-09 02:17:47

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