

q Books on C/C++:

·               The C Programming Language by Brian W.Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. Prentice Hall, 1988. The author’s descriptionof C as defined by American National Standard Institute (ANSI), also called the“Old Testament.” It is old-fashioned but remains a must-read. This book also has a home page: http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/cbook/index.html.

·               1001 Visual C++ Programming Tips, firstedition, by Kris Jamsa. Muska & Lipman, 2001. Not the “Old Testament”, butvery good.

·               “С++Annotations” by Frank B. Brokken (http://www.icce.rug.nl/documents/
). This annotated manual on the C++programming language is a must-read for every self-respecting hacker.

·               “comp.lang.c Frequently AskedQuestions” by Steve Summit (http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/C-faq/top.html) is the best.

q On Assembly:

·               The Art of Assembly Language, firstedition, by Randall Hyde. No Starch Press, 2003. One of the most highlyrecommended resources on Assembly.

·               Write Great Code: Understanding the Machine, first edition, by Randall Hyde. No Starch Press, 2004. In addition to theexcellent language description, the book provides information concerning basiccomputer data representation, binary arithmetic and bit operations, memoryorganization and access, Boolean logic, and CPU design.

·               Manuals from Intel and AMD,which, by the way, are available not only for free downloading but also forordering by mail (also for free).

q On the operating system:

·               SDKs/DDKs from Microsoft,containing toolsets and accompanying documentation. You need these softwareproducts, so go and download them.

·               Advanced Windows, third edition, byJeffrey Richter. Microsoft Press, 1997. This is a Bible of the applicationprogrammer.

·               Inside the Windows NT File System byHelen Custer. Microsoft Press, 1994. An excellent description of the Windows NTfile system, and a must have.

·               Inside Windows NT by Helen Custer.Microsoft Press, 1992. Adetailed in-depth investigation of the Windows NT 4.0 architecture andassociated coding implications.

·               Microsoft Windows Internals, fourthedition, by David Solomon and Mark Russinovich. Microsoft Press, 2004. Writtenby two gurus of the hacker’s community, this classic book is an in-depth guideto the Windows kernel. The new edition covers all newest Windows versions,including Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows .NET Server 2003.

·               Undocumented Windows 2000 Secrets bySven Schreiber. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2001. This book, written by anoted investigator of the Windows kernel internals, covers the Windows 2000debugging interfaces, symbol files, system memory, and kernel objects; thekernel’s native API; Microsoft PDB file format; and other topics.

q On disassembling:

·               The Art of Disassembly from theReversing-Engineering Network (http://www.reverse-engineering.net/). The bible of the disassembly.

·               Hacker Disassembling Uncovered by KrisKaspersky. A-List Publishing, 2003. A hacker’s advice related to how to analyze programswithout its source code using a debugger and a disassembler.

q On hacking:

·               Phrack (http://www.phrack.org). The best e-zine available containing lots of articles, includingthe ones focusing on stack overflow.

q On the buffer overflow:

·               UNIX Assembly Codes Development for Vulnerabilities Illustration Purposes(http://opensores.thebunker.net/pub/mirrors/blackhat/presentations/bh-usa-01/LSD/bh-usa-01-lsd.pdf). An excellentmanual on the buffer overflow technique and gaining control over remotecomputers.

·               Win32 Assembly Components (http://www.lsd-pl.net/documents/winasm-1.0.1.pdf). Ready-to-use components and exploits.

·               Understanding Windows Shellcode (http://www.hick.org/code/skape/papers/win32-shellcode.pdf). Manual on shellcode development.


时间: 2024-09-29 17:52:38



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