原题问[]==false; ![]==false console输出什么。结果是都是true
Since the left and right sides of the equality are two different types, JavaScript can‘t compare them directly. Hence, under the hood, JavaScript will convert them to compare. First, the right side of the equality will be cooereced to a number and number of true
would be 1.
After that, JavaScript implementation will try to convert []
by usingtoPrimitive
(of JavaScript implementation). Since [].valueOf
is not primitive, it will use toString
and will get ""
Now you are comparing "" == 1 and still, the left and right are not the same type. Hence, the left side will be converted again to a number and empty string will be 0.
Finally, they are of same type. You are comparing 0 === 1
which will be false.
2. true转换为1,false转换为0进行比较。// 1==true返回true;2==true返回false;
3. 数组会被转换为原始类型之后进行比较(先valueof,不行的话再toString)。var a = [1,2], a==true这里的a会被转换为"1,2"又因为true被转成了数字,所以这里的a最终被转成Number(a),也就是NaN。
结合上面3点得出a==true最终变成 NaN==1 ,所以返回false。[1]==true;//true;[2]==true;//false!!