systemd --switched-root --deserialize 参数说明

systemd --switched-root --deserialize的这两个参数是内部用的,用于源代码中,不对外提供接口。



These are intentionally undocumented internal parts of systemd. Very simply, therefore:

  • --deserialize is used to restore saved internal state that a previous invocation of systemdexec()ing this one, has written out to a file. Its option argument is an open file descriptor for that process.
  • --switched-root is used to tell this invocation of systemd that it has been invoked from systemd managing an initramfs, and so should behave accordingly — including turning off some of the behaviour otherwise caused by --deserialize.

It‘s a good answer. To expand on this a bit: systemd running with --deserialize --switched-root essentially means systemd was also used in the initramfs. Nowadays this is pretty common, so those two options are to be expected in the command line of PID 1.

时间: 2024-07-31 01:32:38

systemd --switched-root --deserialize 参数说明的相关文章

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