Machine Learning - V. Octave Tutorial (Week 2)

机器学习Machine Learning - Andrew NG courses学习笔记

If you want to build a large scale deployment of a learning algorithm, what people will often do is prototype and the language is Octave.Which is a great prototyping language.So you can sort of get your learning algorithms working quickly.

prototyping language(原型语言):
The most common prototyping language use for machine learning are: Octave, MATLAB,Python, NumPy, and R.

Octave is nice because open sourced.

And MATLAB works well too, but it is expensive for to many people.

If you know Python, NumPy or if you know R.But, people usually end up developing somewhat more slowly, Because the Python, NumPy syntax is just slightly clunkier than the Octave syntax.

Basic Operations

Moving Data Around

Computing on Data

Plotting Data

Control Statements_ for, while, if statements


Working on and Submitting Programming Exercises


时间: 2024-08-10 04:06:53

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