『Python CoolBook』使用ctypes访问C代码_下




#ifndef __SAMPLE_H__
#define __SAMPLE_H__
#include <math.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

int gcd(int x, int y);
int in_mandel(double x0, double y0, int n);
int divide(int a, int b, int *remainder);
double avg(double *a, int n);

/* A C data structure */
typedef struct Point {
    double x,y;
} Point;

double distance(Point *p1, Point *p2);

#ifdef __cplusplus


divide() 函数是一个返回多个值的C函数例子,其中有一个是通过指针参数的方式。

avg() 函数通过一个C数组执行数据聚集操作。

Pointdistance() 函数涉及到了C结构体。

/* sample.c */
#include "sample.h"

/* Compute the greatest common divisor */
int gcd(int x, int y) {
    int g = y;
    while (x > 0) {
        g = x;
        x = y % x;
        y = g;
    return g;

/* Test if (x0,y0) is in the Mandelbrot set or not */
int in_mandel(double x0, double y0, int n) {
    double x=0,y=0,xtemp;
    while (n > 0) {
        xtemp = x*x - y*y + x0;
        y = 2*x*y + y0;
        x = xtemp;
        n -= 1;
        if (x*x + y*y > 4) return 0;
    return 1;

/* Divide two numbers */
int divide(int a, int b, int *remainder) {
    int quot = a / b;
    *remainder = a % b;
    return quot;

/* Average values in an array */
double avg(double *a, int n) {
    int i;
    double total = 0.0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        total += a[i];
    return total / n;

/* Function involving a C data structure */
double distance(Point *p1, Point *p2) {
    return hypot(p1->x - p2->x, p1->y - p2->y);



.argtypes 属性是一个元组,包含了某个函数的输入按时, 而 .restype 就是相应的返回类型。

ctypes 定义了大量的类型对象(比如c_double, c_int, c_short, c_float等), 代表了对应的C数据类型。

如果你想让Python能够传递正确的参数类型并且正确的转换数据的话, 那么这些类型签名的绑定是很重要的一步。如果你没有这么做,不但代码不能正常运行, 还可能会导致整个解释器进程挂掉。


import os
import ctypes

_mod = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(‘./libsample.so‘)





/* Compute the greatest common divisor */
int gcd(int x, int y) {
    int g = y;
    while (x > 0) {
        g = x;
        x = y % x;
        y = g;
    return g;


# int gcd(int, int)
gcd = _mod.gcd
gcd.argtypes = (ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int)
gcd.restype = ctypes.c_int

print(gcd(35, 42))  # 7



/* Test if (x0,y0) is in the Mandelbrot set or not */
int in_mandel(double x0, double y0, int n) {
    double x=0,y=0,xtemp;
    while (n > 0) {
        xtemp = x*x - y*y + x0;
        y = 2*x*y + y0;
        x = xtemp;
        n -= 1;
        if (x*x + y*y > 4) return 0;
    return 1;


# int in_mandel(double, double, int)
in_mandel = _mod.in_mandel
in_mandel.argtypes = (ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_int)
in_mandel.restype = ctypes.c_int

print(in_mandel(0,0,500))  # 1


divide() 函数通过一个参数除以另一个参数返回一个结果值,但是指针是python中不支持的操作。

/* Divide two numbers */
int divide(int a, int b, int *remainder) {
    int quot = a / b;
    *remainder = a % b;
    return quot;


divide = _mod.divide
x = ctypes.c_int()
divide.argtypes = (ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int))

在这里,一个 ctypes.c_int 实例被创建并作为一个指针被传进去。 跟普通Python整形不同的是,一个 c_int 对象是可以被修改的。 .value 属性可被用来获取或更改这个值。

更一般的,对于带指针的函数,我们会将其加一层封装后调用,使得通过指针修改的变量通过return返回,这样去c style,使得代码更像python风格:

# int divide(int, int, int *)
_divide = _mod.divide
_divide.argtypes = (ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int))
_divide.restype = ctypes.c_int

def divide(x, y):
    rem = ctypes.c_int()
    quot = _divide(x,y,rem)
    return quot, rem.value


avg() 函数又是一个新的挑战。C代码期望接受到一个指针和一个数组的长度值。 但是,在Python中,我们必须考虑这个问题:数组是啥?它是一个列表?一个元组? 还是 array 模块中的一个数组?还是一个 numpy 数组?还是说所有都是? 实际上,一个Python“数组”有多种形式,你可能想要支持多种可能性。

/* Average values in an array */
double avg(double *a, int n) {
    int i;
    double total = 0.0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        total += a[i];
    return total / n;

python -> c数组

(ctypes.c_int * 数组长度)(数组元素)

内在逻辑是:对于列表和元组,from_list 方法将其转换为一个 ctypes 的数组对象

nums = [1, 2, 3]
a = (ctypes.c_int * len(nums))(3,4,5)
print(a[0], a[1], a[2])

# <__main__.c_int_Array_3 object at 0x7f2767d4fd08>
# 3 4 5


import array
a = array.array(‘d‘,[1,2,3])
ptr = a.buffer_info()  # 返回tuple:(地址, 长度)
print(ctypes.cast(ptr[0], ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)))  # 目标地址存入指针



# void avg(double *, int n)
# Define a special type for the ‘double *‘ argument
class DoubleArrayType:
    def from_param(self, param):
        typename = type(param).__name__
        if hasattr(self, ‘from_‘ + typename):
            return getattr(self, ‘from_‘ + typename)(param)
        elif isinstance(param, ctypes.Array):
            return param
            raise TypeError("Can‘t convert %s" % typename)

    # Cast from array.array objects
    def from_array(self, param):
        if param.typecode != ‘d‘:
            raise TypeError(‘must be an array of doubles‘)
        ptr, _ = param.buffer_info()
        return ctypes.cast(ptr, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))

    # Cast from lists/tuples
    def from_list(self, param):
        val = ((ctypes.c_double)*len(param))(*param)
        return val

    from_tuple = from_list

    # Cast from a numpy array
    def from_ndarray(self, param):
        return param.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))

DoubleArray = DoubleArrayType()
_avg = _mod.avg
_avg.argtypes = (DoubleArray, ctypes.c_int)
_avg.restype = ctypes.c_double

def avg(values):
    return _avg(values, len(values))


/* A C data structure */
typedef struct Point {
    double x,y;
} Point;

/* Function involving a C data structure */
double distance(Point *p1, Point *p2) {
    return hypot(p1->x - p2->x, p1->y - p2->y);


# struct Point { }
class Point(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [(‘x‘, ctypes.c_double),
                (‘y‘, ctypes.c_double)]

# double distance(Point *, Point *)
distance = _mod.distance
distance.argtypes = (ctypes.POINTER(Point), ctypes.POINTER(Point))
distance.restype = ctypes.c_double
>>> p1 = Point(1,2)
>>> p2 = Point(4,5)
>>> p1.x
>>> p1.y
>>> distance(p1,p2)


时间: 2024-07-31 11:50:01

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